Tuesday, January 29, 2008

tired at 57

strange...mac wants to introduce me to a 57 year-old creaking "retired" consultant. lol. honestly, i don't know what to make of this... is mac trying to tell me something? is there a message embedded in there somewhere??? hmmm...

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I'm learning sign language and it's pretty cool!!! :) I'm a tad confused but I'm getting there!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

School is in

Strange how perceptions work. Take this for example, okay --- I go to school as a part-time student pursuing my Masters. In the classes that I've signed up for this semester, there are some PhD students as well.

Last Thursday was a due date and what does the PhD student who is seated next to me in class ask? --- "Is the assignment due today?" I said, "Yes" and then she asks, "What is the assignment?" and I show her the assignment brief that was given to all of us in the class during the first class. And then she asks me, "Have you done it?" and I say, "Yes" and then she asks me if she can see my assignment --- and we're talking about a PhD student here!!! What is becoming of the world, I can't help but wonder. And mind you, that is not the end... I quickly flip through my assignment (I didn't want to be seen unhelpful though I didn't think it was appropriate for her to ask to see my assignment when she has not started working on hers!!!) and then she says to me, "Don't hand it in" --- Yeah right! I slaved through it while juggling a full time job and I have a FULL TIME PhD student telling me not to hand in my work because it will make her look bad!!!

Sigh... why do people think they want to pursue higher learning when they can't organize themselves???

Friday, January 04, 2008

wilted :( :( :(

the lilies of my birthday flowers have wilted :( :( :( I just wish they would have lasted a tad longer...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

a delivery for me??? really???

There I was, feeling sorry for myself that I had to go to work on my birthday... sob, sob, sob... (I normally go on holiday around this time of the year). The day went by slowly. Many people at work had taken the day off for a long new year weekend.

I left work after lunch to go to the library to source for my reading materials this semester. Around 3 pm, I received a text message from one of my colleagues saying that someone had sent me flowers and a teddy bear. My first response was, "Really???". Hmmm... there I was already in the university and there was a delivery for me in the office. Anyway, I nipped back to the office (I was pushing for time) but I really couldn't leave the flowers in the office since the following day was a holiday PLUS I have to admit that I was curious to see this "delivery".

Wow... the flowers were REALLY lovely!!! Thank you!!! :) :) :) ...and all this while I thought that I had to go out and buy my own birthday present!