Saturday, August 20, 2016


Today, I'm tossing out:
1. An old takeaway food saver container
2. Two pens

Monday, August 15, 2016

Journal Planner

This is my Journal Planner. It's basically just a notebook that I already had lying around (this is a Picadilly Essential Notebook which I purchase a year or so ago at a Popular Sale down on the ground floor of IPC).

I like this more than a diary that you can purchase out there as it allows me to have the flexibility to decide how much space I want to dedicate to a day, depending on what I've got happening on that day. And best of all, I get to doddle in it!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Drying Wet Running Shoes Trick

I got stuck in a sudden downpour (as normally is the case where I live) yesterday morning while I was out running and came home soaking wet. I didn't mind being soaking wet but I was worried that my running shoes wouldn't be the same after drying.

I tried a trick which I read on the web a while ago and it worked! I stuffed newspaper into my shoes, changed the newspapers about five hours later and this morning, my shoes are dry anad feel the same as before --- Yay!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Today, I'm tossing out:
1. An old Raya cookie container which I repurposed and used as a container to store spices (I threw the expired spices out last weekend)
2. Two old plastic bottles of spices (expired)

Tuesday, August 09, 2016


Tossing out today:
1. An empty Optrex bottle
2. The box that the Optrex bottle came in
3. An empty Guardian Spa @ Home Sugar Ginger Body Scrub jar (100g from years ago (yes, I keep useless things... and there are dead ants in the jar :O --- how did they get in??? But I guess that shows that real sugar was used).

Monday, August 08, 2016


Today, I'm tossing out these three very old and dried up ball pens.

Sunday, August 07, 2016


Today, I'm tossing out:
1. Two very old and dried out felt tip pens 
2. A dried out coloured gel pen (also from years ago)

Saturday, August 06, 2016


Today, I'm tossing out:
1. A Vitagen walk tee which I got in my pack for a walk I participated in two years ago.
2. A fashion show crew tee from one of the places I worked at a few years ago.
3. A Daiso waist pouch (the zipper's broken :( ) 

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Pen Brush Calligraphy: Day 1

This is my first day's attempt at learning pen brush calligraphy. Looks like a neat skill to learn but certainly not an easy one to pick up!

Wednesday, August 03, 2016


I normally take the steps that go through the delivery area at the mall across from where I work as I make my way to the Malay stalls for lunch.

On my way back from lunch, there was a deliveryman who was at the top of the stairs about to come down. He had his empty trolley in his hand and I waited for him to come down as the steps are narrow.

As he came down, I saw his shoes. They were sneakers and they were battered and deteriorating and almost coming apart. :'(

Note to self: to use all my existing shoes till they can't be used anymore. If others can do it, why should I be throwing out perfecting good shoes?

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Finding Beauty

Beauty is found in the most unlikely places. There is beauty all around us. Have you looked around you lately or have you been going about your daily life on autopilot?