Friday, December 31, 2010

what's your vice?

mine's shoes.  i don't know why but i keep buying them even though i already have MANY pairs at home... but this pair's a different colour and this pair's too pretty to pass up and this pair's just soooo sexy and this pair's really cute and would look nice with my skinny jeans and this pair's great for work... you get the idea.  before i know it, i have bought like 10 pairs in a week!!!

do you think there's such a thing as a "shoe buying gene"???

Thursday, December 30, 2010

passport mug shot

it's dat time again... my passport is due for a renewal.

i've been putting it off.  let's face it, who looks forward to take passport shots???  certainly not i!!!  the experience is traumatising.

just think of it, you're gonna be stuck with this mug shot of you for the next 5 years when you'll once again have to go thru with the dread of having to take another snap shot of yourself for your next passport.... just think of all the immigration officers in all the countries that you will travel to who will be looking (and perhaps sniggering) at your passport pic.

as if trying to get a nice pic of yourself isn't bad enough, you've got to also make sure that your ears show in the picture.  now, how dorky can that be???  ears sticking out and trying to look nice (forget drop dead gorgeous!) at the same time... how does one achieve that???

the pic's gotta look right... it's gotta look at least pleasantly presentable... is that even possible???

Monday, December 27, 2010

call of the mall: why we buy by paco underhill

i  just finished reading this book.  i bought this book in a book sale a few years ago.  don't know why i never got around to reading it until now.  okay, it appeared to be a very "factual" (= boring) sort of book.  that was until i picked it up and started reading it.

it's an eye opener with regards to how malls and retailers get you to shop.  it also explains why people go to malls.  not everything is new information for me though as i spent quite a number of years as a store designer so i am aware of some of the stuff that this book presents.  still, i enjoyed reading this book.  even though it presents facts based on years of research, it's written in an entertaining manner which makes it very easy to read.  i am thinking of look out for the other two books by paco underhill why we buy and what women want.  wonder if i might find those in bookxcess...

my splurge

i was at 1-utama today and as i was walking into the mall, i saw the sale sign in marks and sparks.  went in thinking that i was not going to find anything --- boy, was i wrong!

i ended up buying two bras, two tank tops (it was a set, RM 39, normal RM 59), a pair of per una pants (really nice for RM 69, normal RM 299!!!). one of the bras that i purchased was in nude, a colour that i almost never buy but it was on sale (dirt cheap at RM 29, normal RM 89,  in  fact both bras were going for the same price. the other bra is in blue and really pretty and it normally retails for RM 109) and it fit really well (push up), so i guess, i made a colour compromise.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Himglish & Femalese by Jean Hannah Edelstein

i forgot to blog about these two books which i finished reading BEFORE i started on the Secret Shopper's Revenge.

Beyond Words by John Humphrys (can't seem to find the book cover online --- got to take a pic of it myself when i get the chance) gives an interesting take on how we currently use language and what they REALLY mean. i purchased this book in big bad wolf warehouse sale last year (yes, it has been sitting in a pile of yet to be read books in the corner of my living room!!!).

i purchased this book (from the latest big bad wolf warehouse sale, where else???) thinking that it is a book about how men and women use language. it turned out to be a about relationship. 

The Secret Shopper's Revenge by Kate Harrison

just finished reading this book.  i bought this book in the most recent big bad wolf warehouse sale.

i simply love the book cover --- it's got pink glitter on the cover!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

you fancy me :)

you saw me in centrepoint.

i was walking towards the lift, smiling to myself (hey, it was the end of my day and i was sure glad to be on my way home!). you were with a colleague and you were waiting to be beeped into the office near the elevators.  you kept looking at me as you waited for the door to be opened.  you just couldn't keep your eyes off me.

i noticed you looking at me but i was too shy to look back at you.  i did manage to steal a few peeks at you when i thought you weren't looking but you were looking back at me whenever i stole a quick peek at you.

i went downstairs to put my extra heavy bag into the car and then went back upstairs to use the ladies room as it is the cleanest in the building.

as i left the ladies room on my way to the lift again, i passed by the office that you went into and you were by the door and looking out!!!  you saw me pass by and quickly came out of the office to look at me as i once again waited for the lift.  sadly though, my lift arrived too soon and i stepped into it and like cinderella, i was lost to you... sob, sob...

why did you come out of the office to look at me again and yet not say anything to me???  did you want to say something but felt unsure of how you would be received?  you must have been interested because otherwise you wouldn't have been so bold as to have kept looking at me in a manner that you wanted me to know that you were looking at me.

you fancy me and from the little peeks that i stole of you, you were not so bad looking yourself.  thanks for making me feel attractive and for making my day!!!  :)

how we see

interesting stuff... the colours that we see may not be what they really are.  proof that what our brains interpret may not be what is real.

Changing Education Paradigms

in my quest to learn something new each day... something to think about.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Ayah

it's your birthday and i just wanted to wish you happy birthday and tell you just how much i love you. i miss you so much...

you are always in my thoughts.

i wonder if you can hear me when i talk to you but i would like to believe that you do.  i think that you are close by and are always watching over me.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Why is God Laughing by Deepak Chopra & 50 Ways to Find a Lover by Lucy-Anne Holmes

deepak chopra has written many books but i never got around to reading any before this.  i borrowed this book from a colleague after seeing her reading the book at work. this is one of those "zen" books that you'd pick up if you're into finding the meaning of life.

i bought this book in the recent recent big bad wolf warehouse sale.