Friday, November 26, 2010

character assassination

i was warned that the viper and the tarantula have teamed up together and they are joining forces against me.  me???  :O

don't know what their issue with me is really.  i may have an idea though....

the viper wants to be boss but she's really just a marketing person for the office.  she's in her mid-thirties with a wobbly behind that oozes out of her granny knickers which shows through the fabric of her pants.  the skin around her eyes are thinning and she has crows feet.  of late, she has been wearing new clothes (must be from all her 15% sales commissions) and killer heels.  i am happy to note that happening heels look totally out of place on her   :D  proof that it is not what you wear but how you wear it.

the viper has control issues and badly wants to be seen as "the boss".  problem is, i think that she is just blond on many things.  blondly clueless (and useless), throws her weigh around (and believe you me, there is A LOT of that!!!) but wants to be seen to be in control... go figure!

the tarantula and i have crossed paths in my last job.  she hasn't changed one bit --- she still back stabs people.  she has back stabbed T and E by telling the owner of the business tales about them.  she is supposed to be designing the new syllabus for the school (it would be interesting to see what she produces...or doesn't!).  the tarantula's greatest achievement to date is marrying a crazy brit man whose personal hygiene practices are suspect (in short, he smells....eeewwww).

the viper and the tarantula have become good buddies with one another because nobody else wants to be buddies with them... and so they are left to be friends with each other.

their character assassinations of the teachers are only going to backfire on the business as it will only result in more people leaving the company.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Consequences of Love by Sulaiman Addonia, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer & Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich

this is one of my recent purchases in the big bad wolf warehouse sale.  it's about love in jeddah.  kinda sad.

i found this book on the bookcrossing shelf in 1-utama recently.  this is one of  the books on my wish list.  i can see why many people love this book.  just think of it, love between a mortal and a vampire!

this book was sitting on my shelf at home and i finally thought of reading it!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


i went to see the ENT doc today and he did a laryngoscopy on me.  it wasn't the most comfortable experience for me but i survived it.  it was done without any anesthetic.

in the beginning, i did have some concerns about pain and asked about local anesthetic but was told that the anesthetic would only cloud his view of what's going on.

it was a strange feeling having the scope inserted up through my nose and down in my throat.  while the scope was hanging in my throat, i was made to say "eeeeeee".  the procedure didn't take long and i sure was glad when it was over.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Sum of Our Days by Isabel Allende

i finished reading this book on monday.  it kept me up late at night trying to finish reading it.  yup, it's another one of my bookcrossing book finds.  thanks for the contribution, mph  :)

Friday, November 05, 2010

Going Home by Harriet Evans

this is my latest completed read.  it was another one of my bookcrossing finds.