Sunday, August 29, 2010

another completed read

i finished reading this book today.  it's another one of my bookcrossing finds.

misunderstood and unloved :(

many people fail to see the real me... the me who is actually easily hurt.  many think that i'm a tough cookie --- i just don't wear my heart on my sleeve but that doesn't mean i don't have a heart!

just because i do a better job at concealing my feelings doesn't mean that i don't hurt when mean things are said to me.  

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner

i finished reading this book some time back but somehow or other, i must have forgotten to mention it here.

jennifer weiner's one of my favourite chick litt authors.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

i miss you

it's been three years since i lost you and it seems like just yesterday...

you have simply no idea just how many times you have appeared in my dreams.  it's probably my unconscious mind yearning for you.

i think of you every day... you are never far away from my thoughts.

i miss you dearly ayah.


maru my favorite online cat never fails to bring a smile to my face.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the REAL devil wears prada

on a colleague's recommendation, i watched The September Issue, a movie documentary about the REAL woman who inspired the book the devil wears prada.  the documentary was created in 2009, 7 years after Lauren Weisberger wrote her bestselling book.

Anna Wintour, aka the ice queen and editor in chief of Vogue, didn't seem so icy to me.  i thought she appeared to be human, really.  let's put it this way, she is only doing her job and making sure that nothing but the best is being brought to her readers.

i bet that if a man was doing the same thing, nothing would be said. having said that though, it could be her way telling her story and they could be showing her on her good days.

i found it strange how she was often shown talking with her arms folded... almost as if she was feeling uncomfortable.

it's nice to be able to see what goes on behind the scenes in order to meet deadlines in a fashion magazine. the september issue was featured because it is the bumper issue of the entire year for the fashion magazine industry.

in a lot of ways, it is true that fashion magazines decide what is the "ïn" thing for the moment.

Watching the whole thing made me want to be more fashion conscious... maybe i should do a little shopping  :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Message in A Bottle by Nicholas Sparks

i finished reading this book two weekends ago.  it's one of my bookcrossing finds.

it's not my normal kind of selection, in fact i found it a tad too soppy for my liking, but hey, it was a free read!

Thursday, August 05, 2010

the layered cake

there is a new center manager at work.  she's clueless.  she has been placing students in the wrong levels and when the students request to go to the next level because the current levels that they have been put in seems too easy for them, she makes it the teachers' problem by calling us into a meeting and asking for our thoughts on the matter.  thing is --- we would be saving everyone a lot of time if she just got it right in the first place!!!

on top of that, she's quick to label students --- something that i'm not comfortable with.  it's only her third day at work and she has already label one student as having an attitude problem just because she greeted him and he didn't respond.  when i tried to suggest that it could just be a cultural difference thing, she said that she has seen many iranian students who are polite.  so okay, she thinks she is right... yep, she's one of THOSE...

so, i'm gonna keep my distance from her...