Monday, September 28, 2009


i'm hung up on the mind training games on lumosity. try it, you might find what i found out --- it's fun!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

my current read

and so i rummaged through my stacks of unread books and looked for one that i felt like reading next (yes... i have a tendency to load up when there is a warehouse sale so that i would be assured of always having something on hand to read).

anyway... this is my next read... haven't read any of the author's books before and i hope to enjoy this one!

my next read?

i finished reading patterson's book this morning (yup, i did as soon as i woke up). so... what shall my next read be? hmmm... gotta see what else i have that i have yet to read...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sam's Letters to Jennifer by James Patterson

just started reading this one yesterday... another tear jerker by patterson. nope, i didn't purchase this one --- this isn't the kind of book that i'd purchase. got this one from the bookcross zone in 1-utama (where else???).

my last read before this one, the dangerous husband, turned out to be kinda of a weird story --- consider a husband who turned out to be so clumsy and uncoordinated that he ends up killing all of their three pets (an albino frog, a reclusive ginger cat and a dog) and as the story goes on, two of his wives.

consider having to plot to kill your husband before he kills you... like i said, this book has a strange story line.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

my current read

and this, is my current read (started reading this book about three days ago... i think!)

Sunday, September 06, 2009

my current read

this is what i'm reading at the moment! i purchased this book out of curiosity because the author would not give a sypnosis of the book saying that it would give too much away while promising that it is a book that i, the reader, would most definitely enjoy.

my past reads

i finished reading these two books in the past week. i'm definitely gonna give the law of attraction a try!!! :)