Wednesday, May 20, 2009


i choose to be positive. i choose to be pro-active. i don't want to be in the midst of lazy people who think that they are doing the company a favour. i choose to constantly improve myself. it is all a conscious choice that i make each day.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"as crazy as a bag of spiders"

i met up with someone whom i used to go out with for dinner. we were talking about his friends when he "offered" to introduce me. him introducing me to any of his friends has never happened before and he and i both knew that it wasn't about to happen anytime in the near future either. fact is, i know that he wouldn't want to "share" me. it's a concept that i cannot really explain... it's a sort of possessiveness on his part over me.

i look at him that think of what could have been, but i know, it couldn't have been...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

the circus act

i'll be leaving the circus soon. yes, i have achieved much while i was there but i have mastered all the circus acts there and now look for other challenges.

Monday, May 11, 2009

of hurdles and blessings

i made it through the biggest hurdle in my academic life thus far --- syukur alhamdullilah. i cannot help but smile each and every time that i think about it. i cannot help but thank Allah over and over again for this blessing. i have reached the other end of the tunnel. now...what do i do with all this time???

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

what do i do with me now???

okay, i never thought that this day would come and here it is now staring at me in my face. what do i do with myself now???

a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and as much as i have been looking forward to this day, i cannot help but feel lost and alone. now, what the hell am i supposed to do with all my time??? yes, i'm one of those creatures who enjoy being occupied... i'm not used to this idleness... this is all very new and foreign to me.