Tuesday, March 17, 2009

60 Earth Hour

March 28, 2009... we can do this...we MUST do this

let's do our bit to help mother nature. for one hour, make it about earth and not about you.

let's stand together as one and join the rest of the world. it would be nice to see the lights in KL turned off for an hour.

as we say in malaysia..."Off the light!!!"

Monday, March 16, 2009

a dragon to slay...

i have a dragon to slay... i've been working at if for years now... pray hard that i come out alive. do you have dragons of your own to slay???

Sunday, March 15, 2009

a burger!!!

okay, i have a confession to make... i had a burger today!!! in my defense i have to say that it was more out of convenience rather than what i REALLY wanted to have. i'm happy to report though that i didn't find it satisfying :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

this is how unsafe our construction sites are...

i was just writing about the safety of our construction sites when a few days later, two construction workers were killed when the cable of a crane snapped. it took them almost an hour to gather the victims' bodies. isn't it high time that the authorities did something about the state of our construction sites???

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

risking lives

i'm sitting and watching the construction works that is going on the next lot of land. one cannot help but wonder about the safety measures that contractors observe (if there are any at all) here in malaysia. the men work on very high floors without wearing any safety harnesses --- one can very easily fall off the edge of the building especially when the walls are not up yet.

and then there is the issue of thunder and lightning and how these guys just carry on working even though one can hear the rumbling of thunder coming in their direction.

don't contractors value the lives of their workers??? isn't there a law to see to it that they do??? isn't it high time that we see to it that contractors not just make lots of bucks but also provide SAFE working environments for their workers??? isn't it high time that they value life???