Thursday, February 26, 2009

a good rule of thumb

do not put anything in writing that you would not want to see on the headlines of the next day's newspapers.

in today's day and age where everybody who has access to the internet most probably has a blog, this is really a good rule of thumb... i think too many things have been said of others...what these people don't get is that this can be seen from another angle --- what does that say about you, the blogger, rather than them, whom you are writing about, the blogged???

think about how stupid you will feel when found out... uh huh... it WILL be found out... just a matter of time... Food for thought...

a poddle in shoes...

a poddle in shoes...i saw a poddle in shoes walking daintily besides its owner yesterday afternoon...WHY???

Thursday, February 19, 2009

the reason why

i had a conversation with someone from the past recently. he said that he regretted what happened between us. never mind that all this talk was happening 6 YEARS after the fact!!! he said that he could have tried harder.

when asked how he could have tried harder, he said he could have slept more, spent less nights out late drinking, been more patient... is that it??? was what i was thinking. he was not about to treat me better...the guy just wanted more hours to sleep!!!

i guess there is no mystery why i moved on...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


a few nites ago, i stayed up late. what was i doing, i hear you ask? well, believe it or not, i was up trying to teach myself some basic statistics. yup, am definitely kicking myself for not signing up for the paper when i should have but you know how it is, i avoided taking papers which i thought i was not going to ace in (the statistics module is not a compulsory paper for my studies) but as life should have it, i apparently REQUIRE it now. sigh... anyway, i managed to make sense of how the standard of deviation is calculated and better still, i finally made sense as to WHY i need to present the standard of deviation scores in my analysis.

here's some background history --- of all the papers that i have taken thus far, the research methodology paper made the least sense. i got almost nothing out of that class. if anything at all, i got even more muddled. there was a lot of talk in that class --- basically the instructor talked a lot about stuff that confused and confounded many of us (believe me when i tell you that i wasn't the only clueless one in the lecture hall!). she might as well have been talking german, if you know what i mean. anyway, there were a lot of concepts that went unexplained and everything seemed to be one big haze for me...until now...until i finally got around to doing some reading myself to make sense of my need for descriptive statistics. gee... i should have done this sooner!!!

anyway... the good news is that i'm not the gone case that i thought i was before i struggled with trying to make sense of descriptive statistics... i just needed to do a hell lot of reading!!! hey, who knows... i just might find that i like it....errr...maybe NOT!!! :)