Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the past in the present

i bumped into an ex-colleague at the mall today. strange how it is --- i've been thinking about this guy for the past few weeks.

i wondered how he was getting along and where he might be at the moment. we used to hang out quite a bit with each other while we were working together (we were in different departments though). apparently, after all these years, he is still working in the same company!! well, i guess, that answers my question about where he is attached to!

we caught up about who is doing what now as people who haven't met each other after a number of years do. apparently, nobody lasted long in my position after i left the company... hmmm...i wonder why???

it was kinda strange really coz i no longer do what i used to do. i kinda did a 180 degree change of careers and i think people in my last life (as how i would like to refer to that last phase of my life) would not be able to relate to my change of career choice.

do i have regrets? do i miss what i used to do? yeah, maybe a little bit but i think that i made a good career move, one that has enabled me to develop myself professionally to the next step and that is what i want.

Friday, April 11, 2008

end of semester madness

ah...i finally have some time to do this again...

the end of semester madness had the better of me. much has happened --- had crazy deadlines to meet. finally looks like i'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

i can't wait to get out there and do some much longed for retail therapy. strange how when i'm busy, no matter how good a sale is, i can just walk past it or if i do go into the store, i really am not in the frame of mind to purchase anything. well, hopefully, i'll be able to do some much needed retail therapy after i hand in my assignments...yippee!!!

i tell you, there is nothing, and i mean NOTHING like having finally completed your project for your courses at the end of the semester.

hmmm.... maybe now i might be able to get back to my much neglected novel reading... sigh...such bliss! :)