Friday, July 20, 2007

hey, this is easy compared to that!!!

I just realized how easy it is to set up a blog as opposed to setting up a wiki. I had such a pleasure of first of all looking for a wiki site that was user friendly for the uninitiated and next, having to give the site a go. It's Friday evening, I rushed home after school and jumped right into this wiki exploration. I guess for those in the know, it would have been absolutely a breeze and no sweat at all but for someone like me, it was loads of perspiration (good thing I use a pretty reliable anti perspirant) and pressure. I know, I know... at the end of it all it will all be rewarding... but for the time being, it is taking up loads of time just trying to figure this technology out! I am gonna figure it out!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

the gas station experience

Yesterday...I stopped at the traffic lights on my way out to a late lunch close to where I work. I saw this guy in the next car who was looking at me and appeared to be waving at me. Not wanting to appear impolite as it could have been one of my students (I couldn't really tell as the windows were tinted), I smiled back and then looked away. The lights turned green and we went on our separate ways.

Lunch went the way lunch should have went --- it was quick and soon I was on my way to university for my evening classes. As I got into my car, I looked at my fuel tank gauge and thought to myself, "Hmmm...might as well fill up now or else I would have to do it tomorrow morning and I might be in a mad rush in the morning (as often is the case)". So off the the gas station I went, happily humming along to the songs played on Fly fm.

Once I got there, I took my own sweet time on deciding which pump I wanted to stop at...maybe this one...nah...I think I'll use that one instead. Once parked at the pump, I took my time retrieving my credit card from my wallet. From the corner of my eye, I noticed that there was a guy standing beside my car, waiting for me to get out. I thought that it was one of those pump attendants and thought nothing of it.

When I got out of my car this guy introduced himself. I guess I must have looked confused because he had to mention about having waved at me earlier before I could make sense of what was happening. The guy then went about with the normal pleasantries before he asked me out to lunch! God, I was in such a strange situation. There I was in a gas station, trying to fill up my tank and at the same time was wondering how to politely get rid of this guy who was asking for my contact number. Talk about having to multitask! In the end, I said to him, "Why don't you give me your number and I'll get back to you?". No, I am not proud of coming up with that line but I was under pressure!!! I know, I know, bet many of you guys out there have heard that line before and I could have been more original but that was the first thing that came to my mind!

Then when I got to the university carpark, guess who should pull into the parking space next to mine...Taha!!! But that is a post for another day!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


So here I am again writing and checking out that this works from my office. Tried using another blog site but my office's systems administrator seems to have blocked it. Wet blankets, they are! How is one supposed to run a research when the authentic tools required to run the research aren't allowed??? Sigh...small minds...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

lazy sunday morning

testing this blog to see if there is potential for more.