I've always wondered why there's this person whom I dated years ago really sucked at being a BF but turns out to be a wonderful online pal.
You had trust issues. You were wary of me because I talked so little about myself. I'm an introvert, more of a listener than a talker.
You said that you didn't even know where I worked. You could have offered to send me to work on Saturday mornings but you'd rather stay in bed. You couldn't even get out of bed to walk me to my car. I walked to my car alone. It would have been nice to have you walk me to my car and kiss me before I left for work... but that didn't happen.
You said that you didn't even know where I lived. Do you have any idea how happy it would have made me if you had offered to pick me up from home for a date? Instead, I always met up with you at your place as I didn't want to inconvenience you.
You were constantly suspicious of me and I only wanted to be loved. One night, you confronted me over a text message that someone sent me on my phone (yes, you checked my phone while I was in the bathroom). I have absolutely NO CONTROL over what someone else is going to text me. You accused me of seeing someone else.
One night, I went out with my friends. You rang me and insisted that I turn up at your front door that very night and that if I didn't, it would be over between us. I didn't turn up at your front door. Yes, I too can be quite adamant. I didn't turn up because I knew that such ultimatums were not the way to make any relationship work. I didn't turn up because it hurt too much trying to make it work with someone who didn't know that he wanted me.
Much later, you realize that I am real. Much, much later... we are still friends.
I am thankful for the experience. I so wanted to be loved by you but I failed to realise that you weren't ready to love and be loved. You were looking for all the excuses under the sun as to why it could not work out between us. You didn't want it to work out. If only you were looking for all the reasons under the sun as to why it could work out wonderfully for us, you would have seen that I was there for you.
I took a chance on you. Sadly, you didn't take a chance on me...
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Ladies Parking in Mid Valley Megamall
I haven't been to Mid Valley for a while now and upon my there today, I was pleasantly surprised to find a ladies only car park zone. Upon researching online, I discovered that this is Mid Valley's response to providing a safer car park zone for women shoppers (particularly single female shoppers) after a recent incident in June where a woman was robbed and slashed in the head (read the news report here).
The Ladies Parking zone is manned by security guards and only for women shoppers. There is a barrier gate into this zone which is operated by the security guards on duty (the guards check to ensure that there are only women in the vehicle before opening the barrier gate).
While most of the other parking spaces were already filled up when I got there this morning, I was happy to find that there were plenty of parking spaces at 11:15 am today (and it's a Saturday morning, mind you!).
The Ladies Parking zone is manned by security guards and only for women shoppers. There is a barrier gate into this zone which is operated by the security guards on duty (the guards check to ensure that there are only women in the vehicle before opening the barrier gate).
Sign showing the way to the Ladies Parking zone.
While most of the other parking spaces were already filled up when I got there this morning, I was happy to find that there were plenty of parking spaces at 11:15 am today (and it's a Saturday morning, mind you!).
Friday, October 26, 2012
Outfit of the day
This is me out shopping again!!! :O
Okay, so I was out shopping for a black work skirt because the one that I have really looks tired but after trying out four skirts (which all looked wrong on me), I found myself browsing the store, as I normally do, and look what I found...
I kinda like this aqua leopard scarf. It's made of oh, so, so soft cotton... it feels wonderful around the neck :)
Okay, so I was out shopping for a black work skirt because the one that I have really looks tired but after trying out four skirts (which all looked wrong on me), I found myself browsing the store, as I normally do, and look what I found...
I kinda like this aqua leopard scarf. It's made of oh, so, so soft cotton... it feels wonderful around the neck :)
and while I was there, I tried on these metallic grey flats...pretty!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
I like to keep my excess foreign currency after I return from a holiday overseas. Today, however, I made the brave decision to exchange some of my left over foreign currency. I plan to make the money grow by investing it when the opportunity presents itself :)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Romantic Ideas
I'm a romantic at heart. I believe that it's possible for two people to be in love and not have a third party involved.
I believe in trusting each other. After all, what is left of any relationship devoid of trust? I wonder if my mother's skeptical view of love is formed out of her own life's experiences... I find it sad that she doesn't believe that it is possible for a man to remain faithful to a woman.
I'd like to believe that we each make choices in life --- and when involved in a relationship with someone, we make the conscious decision to stay together not because we have to but because we want to.
My mother also doesn't think that it's possible to still love an old love many years later. I, on the other hand, think it's possible. Sometimes, people marry the wrong people. Maybe they met the right person but the timing was wrong, things didn't work out and they both ended up marrying the wrong people. It's possible to rediscover lost loves many years later. I think it's a wonderful thing having someone love you through all the years. I think no matter how old you are when you rediscover your lost love, you both deserve to discover the "what if" than to never know at all. Would this mean that you'd have to get a divorce from your present spouse? Yes, but wouldn't staying married to the wrong person just because you've been married to each other for the last 20 years be the wrong reason to remain in that marriage? We each deserve to be happy.
Staying married for the sake of others is probably not the best thing for anyone. I believe that you are only able to give the best of you to others when you are happy. You can't give others the best you when you are in a wrong marriage.
Love is about discovering each other. It's about growing together.
So I suppose, I'm guilty of being a hopeless romantic. I truly believe in the miracle of love.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
City-Link Express Malaysia --- A FIASCO
It has been about 6 weeks since I redeemed my BonusLink points (on May 26, 2012) online for my gift. Who would have thought that what seems like a pretty straight forward no hassles redemption could have turned out to be a total fiasco thanks to BonusLink's choice of non-performing courier service provider, City-Link Express.
The following is the account of my experience with City-Link Express . Read on...
Saturday, May 26, 2012
I make an online redemption on the BonusLink website for the gift.
Monday, June 18, 2012
I email BonusLink through their website to ask about the status of my redemption as it had been over a month and I had yet to receive my vouchers.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
This is the reply I got from BonusLink:
Dear xxxxxxxxxxRe : BonusLink Card Number - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you for your e-mail and we apologise for the delay in our reply.
We refer to your redemption for the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (gift code: xxxxxxxx) which you have yet to receive.
Thank you for your e-mail and we apologise for the delay in our reply.
We refer to your redemption for the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (gift code: xxxxxxxx) which you have yet to receive.
We have logged your complaint and will refer it to the relevant party for further investigation. We will get back to you within 7 working days with an outcome of the investigation.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require further assistance.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
I received a phone call from a City-Link representative (an Indian female) who called to arrange for the time of the delivery for the said gift. I told her to make sure that the delivery is done BEFORE 12 noon on the following Monday (July 2, 2012).
Monday, July 2, 2012
I waited for the delivery on Monday, but nothing arrive then either.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
At approximately 8:45 AM , I received a phone call from a representative of City-Link (a Malay male) who called to arrange the time to deliver the gift. I told him to make sure that the delivery is to be done BEFORE 12 noon on the next day Friday (July 6, 2012).
Friday, July 6, 2012
On Friday, I waited for the delivery but nothing arrived. In the afternoon,
I received yet another phone call from a City-Link representative (a Malay female) who called to arrange the time for my delivery. Again, I stressed that the delivery has to be made BEFORE 12 NOON on Monday, July 9, 2012 and she assured me that this would be done.
Monday, July 7, 2012
At 10:30 AM, Sathish, another City-Link representative called me to inform me that the driver "has a problem" but did not say what the said "problem" was.
He wanted to know if delivery could be made the next day on Tuesday, July 8, 2012. I told him that that would not be possible as I have taken too many days off work to wait for this elusive delivery and that the delivery had to be made TODAY, BEFORE 12 NOON today as agreed. Sathish then says that he'll call me back.
At 10:37 AM Sathish calls back to ask yet again if delivery could be made the following day on Tuesday, July 8, 2012, to which I said I would be at work and could not afford to take any more days off work as the delivery never seems to be made even when agreed to by City Link representatives. I stressed that the agreement was that the delivery was to be made TODAY, BEFORE 12 NOON and not tomorrow. Again, Sathish says that he'll have to "check" and call me back.
At 10:41 AM, Sathish calls to say that the delivery will be made TODAY, BEFORE 12 NOON.
At 11:36 AM, Christina from BonusLink calls me to see if I have received the gift. I told her nothing has arrived and that I was unimpressed with BonusLink's choice of courier service provider. She checks on her system and says that the gift is with the driver. Again, I told Christina that the gift had to be delivered TODAY, BEFORE 12 NOON. When asked what BonusLink would do if the gift is not delivered today, Christina was unable to give any solutions. I then requested to speak to her manager. After being put on hold for a few minutes, Christina comes back on the line to inform me that the manager was not available and that he would call me.
At 2:27, I get a call from Noel, Christina's manager at BonusLink. He told me that City-Link informed him that they have spoken to me and assured him that they had called me and I had agreed for the delivery to be made before 5:30 PM today. Hmmm...so City-Link now resorts to creating stories... Anyway, I corrected the facts --- City-Link had not made any further arrangements for the delivery and again I told Noel that I wasn't home since it was after 12 noon.
I requested for the points to be reverted to my account since I didn't think that City-Link was capable of delivering the package to me. I didn't want to waste any more time waiting around for the delivery of this elusive package.
At 2:40, Christina from Bonuslink calls me to inform me that the points have been reverted into my account and that I may redeem my points at any of BonusLink's partners's On-The-Spot redemption retailers.
As for City-Link Express, well, here's my take on them --- They are just a waste of time. They seem to have no sense of commitment and don't seem to respect other's time. They don't understand that they are there as a business and as businesses go, they have to make deliveries to the convenience of the recipients and not to deliver as and when they please. In short --- City-Link Express is a serious waste of time, DON'T USE THEM!!!
Monday, May 28, 2012
A Cat in Paris
The French Film Festival is here once again! :) It runs from May 24, 2012 to June 6, 2012 in the Klang Valley. The movies are being shown in selected GSC cinemas.
I'm so glad that I forced myself to go see this movie on a Sunday (I tend to avoid shopping malls on the weekends).
I totally enjoyed A Cat in Paris. I loved the animation --- it's sooo stylishly French and so different from American animation. The story wasn't too kiddy-ish and had humor too.
I'm so glad that I forced myself to go see this movie on a Sunday (I tend to avoid shopping malls on the weekends).
Dino the cat
The Trailer
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Credit Card Daily Periodic Rate Calculator
Ever wonder how much interest you would be racking up for each day that you are late in paying your credit card bills? Well, wonder no more. This calculator will help shed the light on the matter.
I punched in the figures for my outstanding bill amount (and yes, I was late paying my credit card bill this month) and after punching in the figures, and seeing how much I owed the bank with each day that I am late, I was motivated to get out there as soon as possible to pay the bill! Why let the bank make money out of me (with an 18% interest rate slapped on credit card debt, banks are getting a return that is way higher than what they can get in the stock market!).
Anyway, I just found this calculator to be a nifty tool to get me motivated to not be late in paying my credit card bills.
I punched in the figures for my outstanding bill amount (and yes, I was late paying my credit card bill this month) and after punching in the figures, and seeing how much I owed the bank with each day that I am late, I was motivated to get out there as soon as possible to pay the bill! Why let the bank make money out of me (with an 18% interest rate slapped on credit card debt, banks are getting a return that is way higher than what they can get in the stock market!).
Anyway, I just found this calculator to be a nifty tool to get me motivated to not be late in paying my credit card bills.
credit cards,
financial education,
personal finance
Saturday, April 28, 2012
My Favourite Wife by Tony Parsons
This is my latest completed read. Yes, this is the third book by Tony Parsons that I've read in the span of a month!
The story is set in Shanghai. Bill Holden, a lawyer, moves from London to Shanghai with his wife, Becca, and their four-year-old daughter, Holly, to seek a fortune and a better life.
They move into Paradise Mansions where many young "wives" are kept by rich men. Along with fortune comes temptation and Bill finds himself faced with temptation when Becca gets tired of it all and goes back to London on the pretense to help her ailing father.
Bill then befriends and falls in love with Jin Jin Li, one of the "wives" living in Paradise Mansion. Soon, Jin Jin Li ends her relationship with her "husband" and becomes Bill's "wife". Bill then realizes that he is no different from all the other men who keep "wives".
This book portrays the gap between the haves and the have nots in booming China and what the have nots have to do to survive.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Friday's a Frappuccino Day!
Just watching the world pass by while sipping a Mango Passionfruit Frappuccino on a really hot day.... Ah, bliss! :) and oh, did I mention that the frappuccino is half off? Yeah, sweet :)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Starbucks Malaysia Half Price Frappuccino Promo
I just had a grande Mocha Frappuccino down in the local Starbucks at half price :) I intend to explore the other frappuccino flavours during this promo period.
The promo is from 5-7 pm on Wednesdays for Starbucks Card holders and Fridays (same time) for everyone. The promo runs from today till June 8, 2012. Enjoy! :)
The promo is from 5-7 pm on Wednesdays for Starbucks Card holders and Fridays (same time) for everyone. The promo runs from today till June 8, 2012. Enjoy! :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Rich Brother Rich Sister by Emi Kiyosaki & Robert Kiyosaki
I just finished reading this book a week ago. This is more of an autobiography rather than one of Robert's Kiyosaki's financial education books.
This book is about the balance between what you do and the role that money plays in your life and how the balance between the two can bring happiness. As Robert Kiyosaki says, "I don't think the love of money is the root of all evil. What we do for the money may be evil. For instance if I grow drugs or if I shoot people for money that could be evil but money by itself isn't". So the lesson to be taken here is to use money for good purposes.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Giving Thanks
Why do people fight you when you suggest that they turn to God in prayer? I'm not suggesting that you rob a bank (though I've got a feeling that they would be more open to that idea rather than praying to God).
Who do you thank at the end of the day? What are you grateful for in your life?
How do I explain to someone who has never experienced the tranquility of prayer, of knowing that you have done your best and that you leave the rest up to God? Isn't it nice to know that someOne's there with you all the time and that you're never alone?
Who do you thank at the end of the day? What are you grateful for in your life?
How do I explain to someone who has never experienced the tranquility of prayer, of knowing that you have done your best and that you leave the rest up to God? Isn't it nice to know that someOne's there with you all the time and that you're never alone?
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Sunday, April 08, 2012
I heard that you'll be leaving soon. I know that we have never met and that you disapprove of me. Whatever you know about me is through others' perception of me. Still, I cried when I heard that I'd be losing you...
May you go in peace.
May you go in peace.
Friday, April 06, 2012
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Baskin Robbins 31% Off
It's the 31st of the month and as always Baskin Robbins are having their 31% off promo today.
I was down at the local Baskin Robbins and picked up just a pint of Black Forest Cake Ice Cream. There wasn't too many people there when I got there around 6 pm. I went home after purchasing my pint of ice cream to put it in the freezer and later went out again and passed by the Baskin Robbins outlet and it was full of people at around 6:45 pm!
Phew! I was lucky that I was there just a tad earlier and missed the mad crowd (yes, it can get pretty mad in there on the 31st). There was once, a few months ago, I went there thinking that I was going to purchase ice cream on the 31st but gave up after seeing that there was just waaayyy too many people in there.
I got lucky today and I'm not complaining! :) I've now got my ice cream treat in the freezer!!! :)
I was down at the local Baskin Robbins and picked up just a pint of Black Forest Cake Ice Cream. There wasn't too many people there when I got there around 6 pm. I went home after purchasing my pint of ice cream to put it in the freezer and later went out again and passed by the Baskin Robbins outlet and it was full of people at around 6:45 pm!
Phew! I was lucky that I was there just a tad earlier and missed the mad crowd (yes, it can get pretty mad in there on the 31st). There was once, a few months ago, I went there thinking that I was going to purchase ice cream on the 31st but gave up after seeing that there was just waaayyy too many people in there.
I got lucky today and I'm not complaining! :) I've now got my ice cream treat in the freezer!!! :)
Baskin Robbins,
spending wisely
Earth Hour with Starbucks
I was down at the local Starbucks during Earth Hour.
Starbucks was giving away complimentary Frappuccinos during Earth Hour today. All you had to do was check in on FourSquare and flash the orange Earth Hour promo screen at the barista in order to be entitled to the free drink.
![]() |
Just me and my Mocha Frappuccino during Earth Hour....ahhh, such pure bliss!!! |
It was fairly quiet down in the local Starbucks, just the way I like it :) (hey, I got there early and I didn't even have to wait in line to be served!) and I got to enjoy Earth Hour and my free grande Mocha Frap in peace :)
Thanks for the free drink Starbucks!
Thanks for the free drink Starbucks!
Friday, March 30, 2012
A Place Called Here by Cecelia Ahern
Sandy Shortt is anything but sandy or short. She has spent most of her life being obsessed about finding missing things. Where did the missing sock go when it's no longer in the washing machine?
Are we all defined to the things that we own?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Why does this certain person from the past keeps making appearances in my dreams lately? Is my unconscious mind trying to tell me something and if so, what???
What's even more disturbing is that I tried to get in touch with this creature from the past by sending a text message to the last mobile number that I have but apparently, he : (a) isn't answering my messages as he wants nothing more to do with me or (b) he has changed his number.
Well, I could still get in touch with him if I wanted to via his office number, but really what have I to say to him? I have absolutely NOTHING to say to him other than my unconscious mind is seeing him in my dreams (how weird is that).....
What's even more disturbing is that I tried to get in touch with this creature from the past by sending a text message to the last mobile number that I have but apparently, he : (a) isn't answering my messages as he wants nothing more to do with me or (b) he has changed his number.
Well, I could still get in touch with him if I wanted to via his office number, but really what have I to say to him? I have absolutely NOTHING to say to him other than my unconscious mind is seeing him in my dreams (how weird is that).....
Sunday, March 25, 2012
A Dollar in a Jar
I've started putting a dollar in a jar each time I go out walking instead of taking the car to run errands or get lunch/ dinner. In that way, I'll be motivated to make more than one trip a day on foot! :)
It's my way of motivating myself to exercise more.
It's my way of motivating myself to exercise more.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
IPC Recycling Centre
I took a whole load of stuff down to the recycling centre in IPC today.
In case you're wondering, the centre's opened from 10 AM till 6 PM and is located in the loading area of the mall. You can get more information about the Recycling Centre in IPC here (click on the link).
It's just my way of doing my little part to help the planet...
In case you're wondering, the centre's opened from 10 AM till 6 PM and is located in the loading area of the mall. You can get more information about the Recycling Centre in IPC here (click on the link).
It's just my way of doing my little part to help the planet...
Wardrobe Update :)
I've just realized that my wardrobe doesn't have enough colors... yup, really eye opening!!! Most of my clothes are black in color. Don't know why but I've always been drawn to black when shopping.
Anyway, I went shopping yesterday as well as the day before yesterday to update my wardrobe.
My haul:
1. A pair of cobalt blue skinny jeans (just looovveee the color!). Strangely enough, I only realised that both pairs of jeans (this one as well as the sand colored ones) are by Zara TRF today (when I found myself in yet another fitting room, hanging up my jeans on the hook to try on some clothes). By the way, it's super comfy to wear! I'm glad that I bought it :)
2. A pair of sand jeans (can't believe how I've manage to live this long without ever owning a pair of jeans in sand before this!)
3. An H&M flowy chiffon top (ah, so romantic!)
4. Three H&M tees (just love H&M tees) in pink and blue
5. A pair of wedges with blue bows!!!(awww... how pretty!!!)
6. A pair of cute ballet flats in blue (hmmm... notice that I've been buying lots of blue this time around!!!)
I also signed up for FOS's membership programme (it costs RM5.00 a year if you "like" them on FB and the membership allows you 10% discount on normal priced items. On top of that, you get a RM10 voucher when you have accumulated a total of 500 points, which is basically, pretty easy to do over a year).
Anyway, I went shopping yesterday as well as the day before yesterday to update my wardrobe.
My haul:
1. A pair of cobalt blue skinny jeans (just looovveee the color!). Strangely enough, I only realised that both pairs of jeans (this one as well as the sand colored ones) are by Zara TRF today (when I found myself in yet another fitting room, hanging up my jeans on the hook to try on some clothes). By the way, it's super comfy to wear! I'm glad that I bought it :)
2. A pair of sand jeans (can't believe how I've manage to live this long without ever owning a pair of jeans in sand before this!)
3. An H&M flowy chiffon top (ah, so romantic!)
The top goes with both pairs of jeans |
Notice that there are no black tees for a change! |
5. A pair of wedges with blue bows!!!(awww... how pretty!!!)
I also signed up for FOS's membership programme (it costs RM5.00 a year if you "like" them on FB and the membership allows you 10% discount on normal priced items. On top of that, you get a RM10 voucher when you have accumulated a total of 500 points, which is basically, pretty easy to do over a year).
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent
This is a biography of Martha Carrier, Kathleen Kent's great grandmother 10 generations removed who lived in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692.
This is a story about the Salem witch trials which is told through the voice of Martha Carrier's daughter, Sarah Carrier.
Martha Carrier was accused of being a witch and was hanged because she told the truth, that she was not a witch. However, she told her daughter to lie and plead guilty and "admit" that she (Sarah) was a practising witch in order to be saved from death.
The book paints a picture of the torture and suffering that the people who were wrongly accused of witchcraft were subjected to while imprisoned.
This is a book that I'm glad I purchased.
This is a story about the Salem witch trials which is told through the voice of Martha Carrier's daughter, Sarah Carrier.
Martha Carrier was accused of being a witch and was hanged because she told the truth, that she was not a witch. However, she told her daughter to lie and plead guilty and "admit" that she (Sarah) was a practising witch in order to be saved from death.
The book paints a picture of the torture and suffering that the people who were wrongly accused of witchcraft were subjected to while imprisoned.
This is a book that I'm glad I purchased.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
O'Briens Chicken Slice and Cheddar Shambo
I redeemed my LivingSocial Coupon for O'Briens Chicken Slice and Cheddar Shambo at their 1-Utama outlet today.
I was there at around 2:45 PM and it was fairly quiet (I guess I missed the lunch time crowd). Service was quick and the sandwich was yummy!
The Chicken Slide and Cheddar Shambo is made up of chicken slice, cheddar cheese, red onion, tomato, lettuce and honey mustard mayo.
The Shambo is uniquely shaped like the shamrock, a three leaf clover, which is a symbol of Ireland.
O'Briens Chicken Slice and Cheddar Shambo
yup, it was a great sandwich!
This is a great deal and I'm glad that I purchased three of the O'Briens coupons on LivingSocial 'cause you know what? One visit just isn't enough!
I'm definitely going back there for more! :)
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
I sold my first two online books in the wee hours of the morning today!!! :)
Okay, so I didn't make a lot of money but it worked --- my little online shop (http://myusedbookshaven.blogspot.com/) is actually generating business! Ka Ching!!! :)
Okay, so I didn't make a lot of money but it worked --- my little online shop (http://myusedbookshaven.blogspot.com/) is actually generating business! Ka Ching!!! :)
Monday, February 27, 2012
Season Parking Deposit
I finally got my deposit back for the season parking card last Saturday :) It's been almost a year now since I left that place and should have claimed my deposit back a lllooonnggg time ago but never got around to doing it until earlier this year. I've got cash!!!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Thanks for the Memories by Cecelia Ahern
This story explores the possibility of knowing someone when you receive something of theirs. Could it possibly connect two strangers who don't know anything about each other?
Donating blood was the last thing on Justin Hitchcock's to-do list but he was persuaded into doing it by a female doctor during a blood drive week on the campus where he was a guest lecturing.
A month later, Joyce Conway suffers a miscarriage and receives a blood transfusion in hospital. After she leaves hospital, she somehow knows things now that she didn't know before. She can suddenly rattle off facts about architecture which previously were unknown to her. She sees images of people in her mind and she doesn't know who they are, but yet, some part of her, knows them, loves them...
Is this mysterious connection only something that Joyce experiences or does Justin have similar experiences too? What is this mysterious connection that they share?
Donating blood was the last thing on Justin Hitchcock's to-do list but he was persuaded into doing it by a female doctor during a blood drive week on the campus where he was a guest lecturing.
A month later, Joyce Conway suffers a miscarriage and receives a blood transfusion in hospital. After she leaves hospital, she somehow knows things now that she didn't know before. She can suddenly rattle off facts about architecture which previously were unknown to her. She sees images of people in her mind and she doesn't know who they are, but yet, some part of her, knows them, loves them...
Is this mysterious connection only something that Joyce experiences or does Justin have similar experiences too? What is this mysterious connection that they share?
big bad wolf,
books 2012,
chic litt,
Sunday, February 19, 2012
MooGoo Cow Lick Lip Balm
The chemical free ingredients
This colourless edible lip balm by MooGoo smells like mandarin oranges and doesn't contain anything nasty. I've been using this product for a few months now and there's still a lot more left!
I absolutely love this lip balm. It's the one lip balm that I have in my handbag all the time and I particularly love the mug shot of the moo cow on this product!
Would I recommend this product? Definitely!
Read my other MooGoo product reviews
organic cosmetics,
organic product,
safe products
Saturday, February 18, 2012
MooGoo Milk Shampoo and Conditioner
What I like about MooGoo Milk Shampoo
- It's nasties free --- no SLS, no parabens, no .....................
- It works at reducing itching scalp caused by dandruff which makes it a mild anti-dandruff shampoo though it does take a few washes before you feel its effects.
- It smells nice :)
- Although it may initially seem to cost a bomb when compared to the nasty shampoos that they sell in the pharmacies and supermarkets, it's actually good value for money when compared to other safe shampoo brands as you get a 500ml bottle for the around same price (if not less) as the other safe shampoo brands that give you only 200/ 250 ml only.
- It can get to be runny in consistency sometimes (depending on the batch that you get)
- It leaves my hair looking greasy and flat looking :(
- The bottle comes with a pump dispenser (don't know why the Milk Shampoo doesn't come with a pump dispenser)
- It smells nice :)
- It enhances the natural curls in my hair.
- It doesn't take the tangles out of my long wavy hair. I get knots in my hair after using this product and recently, my hair was so tangled that I had to resort to using my old nasty conditioner just to detangle my hair!
Would I purchase the products again?
I would probably repurchase the shampoo again for it's anti-dandruff effectiveness until I find another safe shampoo that would work on my hair without leaving it greasy and flat looking. I don't think I'll be repurchasing the conditioner again though. The search for an affordable natural ingredients shampoo and conditioner that would work for my hair and scalp continues....sigh...
Read my other reviews on MooGoo products
MooGoo Anti Ageing Face Cream
MooGoo Full Cream
MooGoo Cow Lick Lip Balm
organic product,
organic shampoo,
safe products
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Living Nature Foundation
The pump dispenser that dispenses waayyy too much product
My solution to the problem : The cosmetics syringe
that I use to save the amount of product dispensed
In my quest to make a move towards using safer and natural cosmetic products, I made this switch to Living Nature's Foundation.
I've been using it for almost two months now and I love it. It goes on smoothly and is light weight and really doesn't feel like I'm wearing make-up at all. I use the color Sand and it looks really natural on me.
It smells like milk chocolate when you're applying it but the smell doesn't last long.
The foundation is packaged in a 30ml glass bottle and comes with a plastic pump dispenser.
A small drawback of the pump is that it's hard to control the amount that it pumps out and it tends to pump out way too much product. I've overcome that problem by purchasing a cosmetics syringe that allows me to use only as much product as I need.
Would I recommend you purchase this product? Definitely!
Living Nature products can be purchased in all Justlife Stores.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
MooGoo Full Cream
The Full Cream tub comes packaged in a box
The all good ingredients
The MooGoo Full Cream is the thicker version of the MooGoo Udder Skin Milk. I've been using this product since December (I bought it on Christmas Eve). I purchased the 250ml tub (it also comes in a 75g airless travel pump dispenser).
I simply llooovvveee this cream. I've been using it every day after taking a shower and it just sinks into my skin. It needs to be worked in a little bit but when done, it feels good with no greasy feeling. It has a very slight scent which goes away quickly. I've been using this product for about 2 months now and I'm only half way through the tub. A tub lasts a long time and is good value for the money spent :)
Oh, did I mention that it uses only natural ingredients and doesn't contain anything nasty? Check out the ingredients list for yourself.
Would I repurchase this product again? Definitely!
Read my other MooGoo product reviews
MooGoo Anti Ageing Face Cream
MooGoo Milk Shampoo and Conditioner
MooGoo Cow Lick Lip Balm
MooGoo Full Cream,
organic product,
organic skincare,
safe products,
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Pushy African
A student who missed two Mid Term tests held TWO weeks ago, despite the dates of the tests being announced in advance and then reminded over and over again, insists that I allow him to take the tests now. The said student as well as his classmates were also told that if they were absent from either tests there would be NO taking the tests at a later date.
This student (he's African, by the way) has been harassing me for the past two days to allow him to take the test when he discovered that both missed tests amounted to 50% of the final grade (also something that I made clear to the class in the first week of class). He rarely comes to class and most probably wasn't aware of the marks breakdown which I explicitly explained in class --- ha, what a surprise!
His excuse for missing both Mid Term tests? He had to visit a friend in the Kajang Prison (can't help wondering what was going on that he just HAD TO visit his pal in prison on the day of the test...hmmm... someone suggested to me that perhaps it wasn't a friend he was visiting in prison but rather, he himself was locked up!). He also told me that he was in hospital on the day of the test and produced a receipt from a hospital dated January 9 for a test that was held on January 19 --- hmmm... it seems like he has a problem comprehending numbers now....! The education system in the country which he comes from (Republic of Guinea) can't really be that bad, can it (I mean, to the extent of producing people who don't know the difference between January 9 and January 19 --- that's a difference of 10 DAYS!!!)?
This student (he's African, by the way) has been harassing me for the past two days to allow him to take the test when he discovered that both missed tests amounted to 50% of the final grade (also something that I made clear to the class in the first week of class). He rarely comes to class and most probably wasn't aware of the marks breakdown which I explicitly explained in class --- ha, what a surprise!
His excuse for missing both Mid Term tests? He had to visit a friend in the Kajang Prison (can't help wondering what was going on that he just HAD TO visit his pal in prison on the day of the test...hmmm... someone suggested to me that perhaps it wasn't a friend he was visiting in prison but rather, he himself was locked up!). He also told me that he was in hospital on the day of the test and produced a receipt from a hospital dated January 9 for a test that was held on January 19 --- hmmm... it seems like he has a problem comprehending numbers now....! The education system in the country which he comes from (Republic of Guinea) can't really be that bad, can it (I mean, to the extent of producing people who don't know the difference between January 9 and January 19 --- that's a difference of 10 DAYS!!!)?
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Friday, January 06, 2012
The Bone Setter's Daughter by Amy Tan
LuLing was raised by a nursemaid, Precious Auntie, who was mute and burnt. LuLing's mother did not show much love towards her and seemed to prefer her younger sister Goa Ling. Precious Auntie, however, was devoted to caring for LuLing.
LuLing later learns, after Precious Auntie's death, that she is actually Precious Auntie's daughter and that the woman who she thought was her mother all along was actually her father's sister.
Luling is sent away to a Christian orphanage after Precious Auntie's death and later becomes a teacher. She and her sister, Goa Ling, later immigrate to the US and marry brothers.
This story is about Ruth's learning of her mother's past and gaining an understanding into her mother's behaviour.
Thursday, January 05, 2012
I went by to 1-Utama two days ago thinking that I was going to drop off some book crossing books and maybe see what might be available to be picked up. The little white book cabinet wasn't in its normal spot. Hmmm.....strange, I thought. Thinking that the 1-Utama management had relocated it to another part of the mall (as they had done in the past), I found myself walking to the other end of the mall looking for the Book Crossing Zone. Upon not finding the little white book cabinet there as well, I finally resorted to asking the staff at the Information Counter only to be told that the 1-Utama management have discontinued providing the service! :( The Book Crossing Zone in 1-Utama is GONE!!! :( :( :(
Sigh... and here I was thinking that 1-Utama is a great mall that is involved in community service... I guess I thought wrong. Now, what do I do with my Book Crossing books???
Sigh... and here I was thinking that 1-Utama is a great mall that is involved in community service... I guess I thought wrong. Now, what do I do with my Book Crossing books???
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
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