Thursday, August 30, 2007


you went away so suddenly
we didn't have time for goodbyes
i didn't have time to ask for your forgiveness
for all the misdeeds that i have done

i think of you every waking moment
wishing that we had had more time

i never told you often enough just how much i love you
just how much i value you...

they tell me that in me lives a part of you
the part of you that is on the quest for knowledge

i don't want to make you promises that i can't keep
i don't want to disappoint you
but if Allah permits
i shall try to achieve your dreams for me
i shall do it for you...

i know your dreams are for me and not for you
i know that you loved me
and i want you to know
that in me exists a void that will never be filled
i love you so much
i regret that i didn't tell you often enough that i love you
i only hope that you know...

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