Sunday, September 13, 2015

Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask Review

I've been considering buying face sheet masks for quite a while now but most of my online research have found them to be not at all effective. My own experience of sheet masks in the past years ago have not been so memorable either.

Then, there was also the budget factor as sheet masks costs a lot more per use and I didn't want to buy something that did nothing much for my skin.

So, I decided to look at the conventional types of masks which was when I discovered the Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask. It comes in a tube and I figured that I was getting more for my money per use compared to sheet masks.

I purchased this product a couple of weeks back as I felt that my face was grimy from all the makeup that I've been wearing day in and day out and my skin needed a good scrub. I have since used this product three times so far.

The Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask is not like  the other masks out there. In fact, it's more of a scrub than a mask. It contains no parabens which is something that I like about this product.

I get a warm sensation when I first apply it on my face. It is grainy in texture due to the sugar in it and it is not a product that you can smooth on as a normal face mask. With this product, I kind of have to pat in onto my skin. It also has a nice citrusy scent but the scent doesn't last long after I've washed it off.

I leave it on my skin for about 7 minutes (as per the directions on the tube) and then massage it for a bit before rinsing it off.

I love using this product when I feel like I need some me time and pampering :)

Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask
RM20.00 (I got mine for RM15 as I had a RM5 store voucher)
Made in USA
Available in most drugstores

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