Sunday, September 27, 2015

I Dropped My Compact Powder!!!

Arrrggghhhhh....... I dropped my makeup pouch one morning when I just about to get out of the front door for work. The whole makeup pouch just kind of dropped from my bag onto the floor. And yes... my almost finished NYX Stay Matte Not Flat compact powder foundation broke to bits :(

Oh well, on the brighter side, there's just a little bit more product to use up before I move onto my Naked powder by Revlon.

In case you're wondering, I still carry the NYX powder foundation with me in my bag as the lid is pretty tight and I don't have any problem of having the powder spill out. I intend on using up every last bit of it!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Brekkie at The Gardens Mall

Brekkie was good :) Yum!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Tesco Loves Baby 30 Moisturising Baby Wipes

I'm not a brand snob and am always game to giving house brands a try. Hey, if I can save some bucks for similar quality products at lower prices, why not?

This is my budget friendly solution to makeup removal wipes. It's gentle and it doesn't irritate my skin. On top of that, it is not super wet like some other baby wipes and it smells refreshing (and no, it doesn't smell like baby). It removes my makeup well and is also super affordable. Love!

Tesco Loves Baby 30 Moisturising Baby Wipes
RM3.49 (I purchased it when Tesco had a promotion going on for two at RM3.49)
Made in Korea
Available in Tesco

Monday, September 21, 2015


The baby is unfortunately named Andrea. Now, while that may sound pretty normal and even mundane within the western context, this particular Andrea exists not in the western world. There is nothing western about Andrea. Neither of her parents are westerners. In fact, they are as Malay as you can get.

So what were her parents thinking of??? They have obviously not taken into account the context of the surroundings that they exist in when they were selecting a name for her

Ha, be prepared to have your child complain later on that people are ask her if she is Muslim or not...and when she says that she is, they would want to know why she has a non-Muslim name (oh yes, there are going to be people who would want to know that). They might even want to know if she is Malay (pigeon holing people into their respective race categories seems to be a very big thing around here).

Andrea's mother comes from a kampung. She married a city boy. I guess she married up. She doesn't feel comfortable speaking English around more fluent speakers. Perhaps this name choice is more about  Andrea's mother's aspirations to white wash her child in the literal sense?

I think it is important to name your child with a name that would reflect her belonging within the context of the immediate society that she will be raised in. It is important that the name of your child reflects her cultural background as well. After all, shouldn't we all be proud of our respective heritages?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Kipling Fans Day | One Utama

Meet Thijs (hmmm.... strange name but each Kipling gorilla is named after a Kipling member of staff.... perhaps these are his initials???). 

He is part of my Kipling Fans Day door gift in One Utama (the other being the cupcake which was yummy --- have I ever mentioned that I simply looovvvveeee cupcakes???).

The door gifts are for those who signed up for the event on the Kipling page. I decided to drop by their outlet after work since it is only a stone's throw away from where I work and I wanted to see what was on sale.

I'm happy to say that there was nothing that I wanted and I walked out only with the door gifts. I had only recently (in May) purchased a bag and a wallet, both of which I love. I'm happy to say that both are holding up well to my daily use :) I'll only make another purchase if I really need to. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my current Kipling gear :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Empties August 2015

These are my empties for August 2015:

1. Tesco Loves Baby Gentle Baby Wipes (80 Sheets)
This is what I use as makeup wipes. It smells nice, it's gentle and, most importantly, doesn't cost an arm and a leg --- Score! I've since repurchased this product.

2. Tesco Everyday Value Facial Cotton Pads (100 pieces)
I actually prefer these to the covered cotton pads. I find these nice and soft on my skin. I use these to remove my eye and face makeup at the end of the day.

These were sold in twin packs and I'm on my second pack now.

3. Guardian Facial Blotter (100 Sheets)
This is one of the products that I regret buying. The paper is thick and not very absorbent. To make things worse, I bought not only one but TWO of these when Guardian had a promotion going on in their stores.

As I am not one to waste products, I am plan to go through the second pack. Definitely not a product that I would repurchase.

4. Essence Long Lasting Eyeliner in Berry Merry
Hmmm... This was a product that I purchased out of curiosity. Read the review about it here.

Despite the many rave reviews about this line of products, this is not something that I would repurchase as I think that it is quite pricey for the amount of product and wear that you get out of it. The color doesn't really last that long and I think there are better quality products out there.

Not going to repurchase this one.

Well, like everything else out there, not everything purchased on a budget is going to be great. But then again, you could purchase high end products and still not be pleased with the quality that you get. I digress..... Still, there are many good products out there that you don't have to break the bank to purchase.

I love my little experiment purchases and I especially love it when I am pleasantly surprised when I discover a gem :)

Monday, September 14, 2015


Today, I'm grateful for:
1. Getting to a Section 14 safely
2. Having no problems renewing my car road tax
3. Being able to assist a blind man to the door of the post office while I was there renewing my car road tax
4. Being able to buy lunch from the food truck and thus having a different sort of lunch than what I would normally have
5. Being able to park my car in Jaya Supermarket which is super close to the places I needed to go to to do my errands
6. Finding that the parking space that I vacated at my office was still available upon my return from my errands
7. Everything going smoothly and quickly without any hiccups

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask Review

I've been considering buying face sheet masks for quite a while now but most of my online research have found them to be not at all effective. My own experience of sheet masks in the past years ago have not been so memorable either.

Then, there was also the budget factor as sheet masks costs a lot more per use and I didn't want to buy something that did nothing much for my skin.

So, I decided to look at the conventional types of masks which was when I discovered the Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask. It comes in a tube and I figured that I was getting more for my money per use compared to sheet masks.

I purchased this product a couple of weeks back as I felt that my face was grimy from all the makeup that I've been wearing day in and day out and my skin needed a good scrub. I have since used this product three times so far.

The Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask is not like  the other masks out there. In fact, it's more of a scrub than a mask. It contains no parabens which is something that I like about this product.

I get a warm sensation when I first apply it on my face. It is grainy in texture due to the sugar in it and it is not a product that you can smooth on as a normal face mask. With this product, I kind of have to pat in onto my skin. It also has a nice citrusy scent but the scent doesn't last long after I've washed it off.

I leave it on my skin for about 7 minutes (as per the directions on the tube) and then massage it for a bit before rinsing it off.

I love using this product when I feel like I need some me time and pampering :)

Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask
RM20.00 (I got mine for RM15 as I had a RM5 store voucher)
Made in USA
Available in most drugstores