Sunday, December 27, 2015

Dins at Bella Italia

I had the Margarita Pizza.....yum!

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Empties November 2015

These are what I finished in November 2015:

1. Tesco Loves Baby | 30 Moisturising Baby Wipes
I used these as makeup wipes. They do the job and smell nice and refreshing. 

2. Jergens Foot Cream | 100ml
I've had this one for years. I purchased this a few years ago in Dubai.

3. Daiso Silk Oil Blotting Paper
Where would I be without these blotting papers???

4. Watsons H Bella Strawberry & Cinnamon Hand Cream | 80ml
Another purchase from years ago. Smells lovely. I'll not be repurchasing this one as I want to try out other hand creams and  hand creams last a long time with me.

5. Nyx Stay Matte Not Flat Powder Foundation in Caramel
I used this as a blotting powder throughout the day at work. It was okay. I'll not be repurchasing this is I want to try other powders. I have super oily skin and I didn't feel that this product did anything much for me in terms of oil control.

6. Oral B Essential Floss | 50m
This was a waxed floss which does the job that it's supposed to do. I normally carry floss in my handbag.

Claire Organics | Kurokami Soap

Okay, so here I go again... yet ANOTHER beauty purchase!

I was browsing the Christmas stores in One Utama when I came across a stall by Claire Organics. Curious, I took a look at some of their products. I didn't buy anything then but made a mental note to research them online.

My research revealed that they had a product that was of interest to me --- the Kurokami soap for hair! According to the Claire Organics Facebook page Kurokami is supposed to be good for hair growth, darkening hair color and has anti-dandruff properties. The soap smells organically yummy (no other way to describe it!).

Hmmm..... so today, I went down to One Utama with only one thing in mind: to purchase the soap.

Ah, there is just something about browsing the Christmas Stalls that makes my just want to buy stuff....

The first time I used this soap somewhere in December 2015, my hair turned out stringy, limp and flat. Sheesh..... I stayed away from using this product for about a month before I decided to give it another go. I discovered that using a bar soap as a shampoo needs some work as it is not as easy to get a lather going.

The most recent attempt was on Jan 24, 2016 and made sure to use a lot of lather on my hair and I washed it a few times as I had an hair oil serum which I applied overnight. The result was not ideal but a lot better than my first try (Thank God!). 

Just thought that it might be helpful for you to know that in order to prolong the life of my soap, I cut it into smaller pieces and not use the entire bar. I also put the smaller pieces in a D.I.Y. mesh shower pouch which helps me in sudsing up the soap. I can hang it up to dry on the towel rack after my shower so that the soap can air dry and not melt away if left moist and damp in a soap dish.

Claire Organics |Kurokami Bar Soap Shampoo
100 g
Made in Malaysia
Available from: Xmas Kiosk in 1-Utama (this is where I purchased it), Opika and Tangs in 1-Utama

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Earth Care Soaps Green Tea Orange Moisturising Lip Balm

I love pampering products. I happened to come by this brand while I was browsing at the Christmas stalls in The Curve after work yesterday.

I came across the Earth Care Soaps stall and I just loved the array of skincare products that they had on display. As it turns out, the Earth Care Soaps stall had more than just soaps. They also had facial and body scrubs, lip scrubs, lip balms, carrier and essential oils, body oil blend, hair oil blend and balms.

I tried swatching one of the lip balms on the back of my hand and I fell in love with the texture that just melted into my skin. I was sold.

I picked the limited holiday edition Green Tea Orange lip balm as I love the orange scent. It smells just so yummy. I just love sniffing this product...

This lip balm is colorless and goes on smoothly. My lips feel moisturised with it on. The packaging allows the product to be swivelled up and back down after use.

This is an organic product and as it is with organic products, the shelf life is not very long. This lip balm expires in July 2016.

I applied it on my lips before going to bed last night and woke up this morning with soft, kissable lips :D. So yes, this is certainly a purchase that I am pleased with.

Earth Care Soaps | Green Tea Orange Moisturising Lip Balm
Purchased in the Christmas Stall in The Curve
Made locally with organic products

Friday, December 04, 2015

Thoughts on Giving to the Needy

When I was at the hospital a couple of days ago, an Indian lady stopped me in the corridor while I was on my way to the clinic where I had the appointment. She told me that she needed to buy her prescription pills  but the pills cost RM80 and she didn't have the money. 

I was in a mad rush. I did think of taking her to the pharmacy and purchasing the meds for her but I was already late for my 11 am appointment, as it was (finding a parking space was hell at around 10:30 am at the hospital, so I discovered. Note to self: got to get to the hospital by 9 am even though the appointment is at 11 am just so that I can get a parking space!), and so, I just gave her RM10 instead to help her out.

In the next hour or so, I wondered if I had been duped. What if the money was not for meds but for something else? Why hadn't I taken a picture of her? Had I been taken for a ride by her story?

In the end, this is how I reconciled it all: If the money was indeed not used for meds, I hope she used it for something that she needed and it improved her life, if only by a minute bit.  

I can't go second guessing what she is going to really do with the money that I gave her as it would make me more suspicious of others who might come along my way in life and who might really need my help. I hope I helped her in some way. I hope to be able to help others freely and without second guessing their intentions.

Besides, she would have to convince other people to give her some funds in order to get the RM80. If she manages to convince enough people to raise the funds, then, she deserves it as she worked to raise the funds. I just hope that whatever she used the money for, it was spent in a wise manner and it improved her life. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Essence Cookies & Cream Blush Cake Pop That's Top Review

I picked up the Essence Cookies & Cream blush at the same time that I purchased the Essence Cookies & Cream Hand Balm (you can read the review here).

There is only one blusher in this limited edition line and the shade is named Cake Pop That's Top.

I didn't need another blusher but the color was just hard for me to walk away from. I not only love the color but also the texture --- it's buttery soft and I just need to touch my brush a tad bit to get a lot of color payoff.

This is a shimmery sort of blusher but the shimmer particles are very fine and not noticeable. It just gives my cheeks a nice glow of color. 

I love this blusher and I'm glad that I purchased it :) 

Essence Cookies & Cream Blush in Cake Pop That's Top
Normal Retail Price: RM15.85 (I got mine for RM11.10 @ 30% Off)
Made in Poland
Available in selected Watson's

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

wooo hooo!!!

I just got back from the doctor's and my BP was 120/ 61!!! Cause for a celebration, me thinks!!!

Monday, November 23, 2015


It's raining outside and I just washed my car over the weekend....yes, as you can tell, I don't wash my car often and on the rare occasion that I do get around to doing it, I try to keep it out of the rain as best as I can!

Essence Cookies & Cream Hand Balm Review

I saw the Essence Cookies & Cream Hand Balm while I was browsing the Essence stand last Thursday. This is part of the Cookies and Cream line which is limited edition. It was the only one on the shelf. It only took me one sniff of the product to know that I just had to have it. It smells sooo yummy!

The packaging is cute and the texture of the hand balm is very light and non-greasy after it sinks into your skin after about a minute after application. I definitely love this product for its scent hands down! :)

Essence Cookies & Cream Hand Balm | 100 ml
Normal Retail Price: RM10.90 (I got mine at RM7.65 @ 30% off)
Made in Poland
Available at selected Watson's

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Soap & Glory Peaches and Clean 4 in 1 Wash Off Deep Cleansing Milk Review

I've been using this product for the past few months. To be quite honest, this is one product that I really didn't need but I bought it to pamper myself and besides,  I just love the smell of peaches. 

When I first got it, I tried just using this product and then rinsing it off with water. However, I felt like it didn't quite feel clean. I now use it after I remove my makeup with baby wipes. One pump is enough to remove the makeup residue off my face.

Would I repurchase it? Well, this was a treat purchase but for the price that I paid for it, I can probably get a comparable product for the fraction of the price.

Soap & Glory Peaches and Clean 4 in 1 Wash Off Deep Cleansing Milk | 350 ml
Made in the UK
Available in Sephora

Friday, November 13, 2015


I was in Sephora a few days ago (on Tuesday, to be exact) just to browse.... The holiday sets are out and ooohhhh.... so many nice stuff! I don't need anything but everything looked soooo pretty!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Renewing Your Malaysian Passport

Here's what you need to know if you're about to renew your Malaysian passport:

1. Mugshots are no longer required. Mugshots are taken on the spot at the counter together with your scans of your thumbprints.

2. Wear a dark colored top as the background for the photograph is now white.

3. You need to have:
a. Your existing passport
b. Your My Kad
c. RM200

4. There are no forms to fill out for the renewal of passports.

5. The Immigration Dept in KL is situated in the Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) and is bigger and is a more comfortable environment than the Immigration Dept in Kelana Jaya as the whole complex is air-conditioned.

6. Whichever location you decide to go to, get there early.

7. External parking is free in KDN.

8. Getting your passport in an hour's time? Yup, that's true but it's one hour from the point of payment and not from the point of you arriving at the Immigration Dept itself.

9. The whole process could take HOURS. Be prepared to wait. Bring something to read or do to kill time.

10. Avoid school holidays if you can. FYI, the whole process took me approximately four hours and twenty five minutes from start to finish today as it's the school holidays (lucky me...NOT!!!).

You can read more about my experience by clicking on the following links:
Passport Renewal Adventure Episode 2
Passport Renewal Adventure Episode 1

Passport Renewal Adventure Episode 2

Trying to renew your passport during the school holidays is to be avoided at all costs unless you're like me and you haven't the slightest clue as to when the school holidays are. I did consider having my passport renewed in December but I didn't want to leave it too late in case there were any "technical issues" going on at the Immigration Dept.

After the Immigration Office Adventure Episode 1 (read about it here), I decided to try another location and surprise, surprise, it's much closer to home!

I got there around 8:15 AM and luckily, was able to park in one of the last few parking spaces available (outdoor and FREE!!!).

The external carpark is free of charge!

Once again, the officer tasked with giving out the number was a PITA (Pain-In-The-Ass and oh, by the way, it was a female officer this time).

I got a number at 8:20 AM. I was number 1199 which means that 198 people got there ahead of me.

Number 1199 at 8:20 AM

I went to breakfast at Kayu Nasi Kandar. Nasi Lemak Biasa and a bottle of mineral water cost RM4.75. Nothing great, but at least I wasn't going to go hungry for the next few hours.

 Nasi Lemak Biasa and Mineral Water Brekkie

Kayu Nasi Kandar on the Ground Floor

At around 9:00 AM, there was an announcement over the PA system. Surprise, surprise, they were experiencing "technical difficulties" and people who were urgently in need of passports renewed were advised to go to the other branches. Many people left, I persevered. I figured that if many left, than it would work out in my favour as there would be less than 198 people ahead of me now. I'm not complaining!

At least there are ample number of seats here

My number was called only at around 11:00 AM. The procedure itself was quite quick. No pictures are required now (those are the old days folks).

Mugshots are taken on the spot now. Just make sure that you wear a dark colored top or else they might make you wear a jacket as the background for the passport pic is now white. The mugshots are in black and white now.

I then had to wait to be called again at another counter in order to pay RM200 for a five year renewal (technically only 4 and a half years since you can't do any travelling with the last 6 months on your passport).

Payment was made at 11:33 AM. The officer was nice and pleasant. He informed me that my passport would be ready for collection after 2 PM and I was thinking --- WHAT??? Still, I smiled, the guy was nice and was only doing his job.

Payment Time: 11:33:46


Still, I decided to wait till 12:30 just to see if I might be lucky and that my passport would be ready by then. Otherwise, I just might have to come back another day as I had spent already half a day there (and therefore, away from the office).

Luckily for me, my passport was ready at 12:40 PM. The officer at the pick up zone was female and polite too. I can't imagine how long I would have to have waited had all those folks not left after the announcement earlier in the morning.

I'm just glad that I managed to get it done today.

KLCC Twin Towers

Jewels in the sky

The fountain lit up at night


This was how I spent Diwali :)

Passport Renewal Adventure Episode 1

Immigration Office Kelana Jaya: Standing Room Only

So, it's that time again --- time to renew my passport. Having had a great passport renewal experience five years ago when the Immigration Office in Damansara was still in service and when I could literally get my passport renewed in one hour from the point of putting all of my documents and payment into the machine, I was sad to learn that the Damansara office is no longer in service :(

And so, off to the Internet I went, in search of another Immigration Dept to go to. I finally settled on going to the Kelana Jaya branch since I figured that it would be convenient since it was near my office.

As Monday was the eve of Diwali, I thought that nobody would be renewing their passports. Boy, was I in for a surprise!

As it turned out, it took me TWO HOURS to get to the Kelana Jaya office as I just could not figure out how to get from one side of Kelana Jaya to the other and I kept going around in circles and burning fuel! Frustrating as it was, I decided to persevere and finally stopped at the police station in Kelana Jaya to get some directions.

It was around noon when I finally got there and guess what --- the WHOLE WORLD was there too! It was a mad house with standing room only and there was some pushing going on, I kid you not.

Many people were irritable and the male officer who was tasked with giving out the numbers had an attitude, wasn't very polite or helpful. It was hot in there (what do you expect, small space, loads of people, go figure!).

About half an hour later, there was a announcement over the PA system about them facing "technical difficulties" and that they were only going to give out numbers to applicants under 12 years of age.

Although I had already got a number by then, I decided to forget about it since it seemed like a long ordeal. I figured that I would come back (or not, as the case may be) and give it a try another day.

I went back to the office, looked up for the location of the KL office and on the way home from work, I decided to check out the location of the Immigration Dept in KL and guess what I discovered --- it's pretty near my home!!!

Well, at least, I learned how to get to the the Kelana Jaya Immigration Office today!

Monday, November 09, 2015

Worried still

The more I know, the more worried I become :( There is much truth in the saying, "Ignorance is bliss".

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Empties October 2015

These are the products that I finished in October 2015:

1. Fa Pink Passion Deodorant | 150 ml
I purchased this  in a set of three in Dubai two years ago. I like the floral fragrance. Expect to see this product reappearing again in the future as I have two more bottles to go through.

2. Guardian Wet Wipes | Sea Breeze | 10 Sheets
This was a freebie that was given to me during one of the health fairs in Mid Valley last year, I think. I found the sheets rough and I much prefer the Tesco Loves Baby Moisturising Wipes over this one.

3. Tesco Loves Baby | 30 Moisturising Baby Wipes
These wipes are sold in twin packs and this is the first pack that I have finished using (you can read my review on this product here). I used this as makeup remover wipes and it does the job! It also smells nice. I'm using the second pack now :)

4. Sunsilk Smooth & Manageable Conditioner | Trial Sachet | 6 ml
This product has a strong chemical smell and it really didn't do anything for my hair.  


I've been reading up on the subject. I'm worried. It's going to be a very long wait :/

Friday, November 06, 2015


It's a morbid thought.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

The Technologically Challenged

A colleague who is in her 60's sits at the computer and starts hammering on the keyboard. She then turns to me and sighs that the computer is not working. I looked at her and switched on the electricity source. She then looks at the computer screen and says "Look, it's so slow...". I assumed that when I switched on the electricity supply to the computer that she would know how to turn it on. Well, I assumed wrong. I turned on the computer for her when she wasn't looking.

I hate to be mean, but if they are so technologically challenged, shouldn't they just stay home?

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Silkygirl Double Intense Eye Shadow & Silkygirl Moisture Shine Lipstick Review

Alpro has a warehouse sale going on in Jaya 33 now and I purchased the Silkygirl Double Intense Eye Shadow in 05 Silver Star and the Silkygirl Moisture Shine Lipstick in 08 Moonlight Pink.

I've never tried any Silkygirl eye shadow before this but since this was deeply discounted, I thought that it would be a great way to give it a try and if it doesn't work out, at least I didn't spend an arm and a leg buying it.

I tried on both products today. I applied the Double Intense Eye Shadow over my NYX eyeshadow primer and was pleasantly surprised as there was no fall out from  either color during application. I applied them using my Zoeva brushes and not the sponge applicator that it came with. I also had no problem with the colors looking washed out or fading on me. I must say though that the silver grey shade is growing on me.

Okay, so I didn't need to purchase ANOTHER lippie but it was cheap! The Moisture Shine Lipstick is a pretty pink. This product has been discontinued, I think, as I didn't see it at either of the two Silkygirl stands that I went to recently.

This is not a lipstick for those of you who prefer a lot of color pay off. This lippie feels moisturising enough when first applied but I found that it tends to dry my lips after a few hours. I have to wear this with a lip gloss otherwise my lips will chap and chapped lips are certainly NOT sexy ;)

All in all, I'm quite pleased with my two purchases at warehouse prices!

Silkygirl Double Intense Eye Shadow in 05 Silver Star | 3.2g
RM6.00 (I purchased it during the Alpro Warehouse Sale; Normal Retail Price is RM16.90)
Made in Malaysia
Available in Guardian, Watsons
Silkygirl Moisture Shine Lipstick in 08 Moonlight Pink
RM5.00 (I purchased it during the Alpro Warehouse Sale; I think this product has been discontinued as I could not find it at any of the Silkygirl stands in town)
Made in Malaysia

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Flip Flops

My well used flip flops :/

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


I'm thankful for the kid who came down immediately when I called her to move her car (as she was blocking mine) and for the one empty parking space available when I got back from my errands today :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I woke up late this morning and got ready in a mad dash. I was out of the door in half an hour and am grateful that there wasn't heavy traffic on the way to work thanks to the closure of schools due to the haze.

I got to work just in time to get my preferred parking spot before it was snapped up by someone else --- Phew!!! About a minute after I parked, the covered car park was full! I'm thankful that I got to work just in time!

Note to self: (a) Must not fall asleep while surfing the net and (b) must remember to set the alarm on phone before going to the land of nods.

The Odds...

Went to 1-Utama today to drop off a package at the post office after work last night and while I was there, I saw a TRAVEL PROMOTION starting this Wednesday.

What are the odds that exactly ONE DAY after I make my flight bookings I see promotions to the same place that I want to go to??? To think that I waited so long to make my decision and then THIS happens!!!

Think I should check out the promos just to torment myself???

Monday, October 19, 2015

The e-Ticket Adventure

I've been looking around at flight deals for my upcoming December holidays for a past couple of weeks or so. As is normally the case, I take a mighty long time to come up with a decision as I like to do loads of research to know that I have looked at all the possible options out there.

So I finally got my act together and decided to purchase my flight tickets online. After weeks of careful planning, making sure that I selected the right flights, I finally clicked on the purchase button and then, I got a big, fat, NOTHING!!!

Okay, so that wasn't really true --- Sure, the booking number appeared on the screen but I figured that there was no need to copy it down since I would get an confirmation email anyway that would contain my booking number, right? Wrong!!! I received NO confirmation email!!! Opps... maybe I should have had a pencil and paper on hand and copied down the booking number.... Too late now as the screen had changed and I no longer could access that page --- RATS!!!

Hmmm......maybe it was a little slow in the tube getting from wherever it was supposed to be generated to me. A few minutes came and went.... and then half an hour went by...still nothing in my email inbox.

I decided to drop an email with the air carrier's help desk. Let me tell you that it is an unnerving feeling especially when you have paid a lot of $$$ and the almost immediate text message from your bank confirms that the $$$ has already been billed to your credit card but you have yet to receive a confirmation email of your booking! Now what?????

As it turned out, the confirmation email containing the e-ticket was a late as I received it a few hours later (close to FOUR HOURS later, to be exact), but hey, it finally came in..... and all was well and I could finally go to bed (it was a quarter past 12 midnite by then).

My Regular Brekkie Joint

This is the place that I go to for a few minutes of sanity before I start my work day.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fragrance Samples

Got some fragrance samples from Sephora recently. I've still got quite a bit of fragrances to go through before I can treat myself to a new purchase but there's no harm in trying out some samples in the meantime!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Empties September 2015

These are the empties in September 2015:

1. Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
Love this cleanser. I've already repurchased another bottle. I transfer the product into a pump dispenser so that I don't waste the product squeezing it out from the original bottle.

2. Johnson's Baby Skincare Wipes  20's | Ultra Sensitive | Fragrance Free
Bought this pack out of curiosity. I used them to remove makeup.

It says that it's fragrance free but it does has a baby powder sort of scent. Price-wise, this was definitely more expensive than the Tesco Baby Wipes.

I also found these wipes a tad too moist for my liking.

Repurchase? Probably not as I prefer the fresh scent of the Tesco Baby Wipes (and they are a lot cheaper too --- Score!).

3. Daiso Silk Facial Oil Blotters | 100 sheets
This is my default purchase when it comes to facial oil blotters.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sad :(

What good are all my knowledge and skills if I can't help you? You keep saying that you can't do it. You keep pushing my offer to assist you away. You can't do it, you say. I wish that you have greater faith in me and believe me when I say that you can. You just have to try....Try...that is all I ask of you. Don't give up, please.....

Your endless refusals never fail to remind me of what I already know....that I can only help those who want to be helped. It's hard for me to stand by and watch you deteriorate. Can't you see that I love you too much to want to let you do that to yourself? I know that I'm your least loved child but knowing that fact will not stop me from hoping.....hoping for that one day when you might have a change of mind and welcome my help...


ahhh.....nothing like a serene day just watching fish swim :)

Friday, October 09, 2015


I have an appointment with the doc and this is my brekkie.... yeah, I know, it's ironic, isn't it?

Friday, October 02, 2015

My Knackered Flats

I guess this just goes to show just how much walking I do daily. I normally walk from my office to the mall nearby twice a day, once in the morning for breakfast and once in the afternoon for lunch. Oh well, at least this would justify my next shoe purchase!  

Sunday, September 27, 2015

I Dropped My Compact Powder!!!

Arrrggghhhhh....... I dropped my makeup pouch one morning when I just about to get out of the front door for work. The whole makeup pouch just kind of dropped from my bag onto the floor. And yes... my almost finished NYX Stay Matte Not Flat compact powder foundation broke to bits :(

Oh well, on the brighter side, there's just a little bit more product to use up before I move onto my Naked powder by Revlon.

In case you're wondering, I still carry the NYX powder foundation with me in my bag as the lid is pretty tight and I don't have any problem of having the powder spill out. I intend on using up every last bit of it!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Brekkie at The Gardens Mall

Brekkie was good :) Yum!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Tesco Loves Baby 30 Moisturising Baby Wipes

I'm not a brand snob and am always game to giving house brands a try. Hey, if I can save some bucks for similar quality products at lower prices, why not?

This is my budget friendly solution to makeup removal wipes. It's gentle and it doesn't irritate my skin. On top of that, it is not super wet like some other baby wipes and it smells refreshing (and no, it doesn't smell like baby). It removes my makeup well and is also super affordable. Love!

Tesco Loves Baby 30 Moisturising Baby Wipes
RM3.49 (I purchased it when Tesco had a promotion going on for two at RM3.49)
Made in Korea
Available in Tesco

Monday, September 21, 2015


The baby is unfortunately named Andrea. Now, while that may sound pretty normal and even mundane within the western context, this particular Andrea exists not in the western world. There is nothing western about Andrea. Neither of her parents are westerners. In fact, they are as Malay as you can get.

So what were her parents thinking of??? They have obviously not taken into account the context of the surroundings that they exist in when they were selecting a name for her

Ha, be prepared to have your child complain later on that people are ask her if she is Muslim or not...and when she says that she is, they would want to know why she has a non-Muslim name (oh yes, there are going to be people who would want to know that). They might even want to know if she is Malay (pigeon holing people into their respective race categories seems to be a very big thing around here).

Andrea's mother comes from a kampung. She married a city boy. I guess she married up. She doesn't feel comfortable speaking English around more fluent speakers. Perhaps this name choice is more about  Andrea's mother's aspirations to white wash her child in the literal sense?

I think it is important to name your child with a name that would reflect her belonging within the context of the immediate society that she will be raised in. It is important that the name of your child reflects her cultural background as well. After all, shouldn't we all be proud of our respective heritages?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Kipling Fans Day | One Utama

Meet Thijs (hmmm.... strange name but each Kipling gorilla is named after a Kipling member of staff.... perhaps these are his initials???). 

He is part of my Kipling Fans Day door gift in One Utama (the other being the cupcake which was yummy --- have I ever mentioned that I simply looovvvveeee cupcakes???).

The door gifts are for those who signed up for the event on the Kipling page. I decided to drop by their outlet after work since it is only a stone's throw away from where I work and I wanted to see what was on sale.

I'm happy to say that there was nothing that I wanted and I walked out only with the door gifts. I had only recently (in May) purchased a bag and a wallet, both of which I love. I'm happy to say that both are holding up well to my daily use :) I'll only make another purchase if I really need to. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my current Kipling gear :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Empties August 2015

These are my empties for August 2015:

1. Tesco Loves Baby Gentle Baby Wipes (80 Sheets)
This is what I use as makeup wipes. It smells nice, it's gentle and, most importantly, doesn't cost an arm and a leg --- Score! I've since repurchased this product.

2. Tesco Everyday Value Facial Cotton Pads (100 pieces)
I actually prefer these to the covered cotton pads. I find these nice and soft on my skin. I use these to remove my eye and face makeup at the end of the day.

These were sold in twin packs and I'm on my second pack now.

3. Guardian Facial Blotter (100 Sheets)
This is one of the products that I regret buying. The paper is thick and not very absorbent. To make things worse, I bought not only one but TWO of these when Guardian had a promotion going on in their stores.

As I am not one to waste products, I am plan to go through the second pack. Definitely not a product that I would repurchase.

4. Essence Long Lasting Eyeliner in Berry Merry
Hmmm... This was a product that I purchased out of curiosity. Read the review about it here.

Despite the many rave reviews about this line of products, this is not something that I would repurchase as I think that it is quite pricey for the amount of product and wear that you get out of it. The color doesn't really last that long and I think there are better quality products out there.

Not going to repurchase this one.

Well, like everything else out there, not everything purchased on a budget is going to be great. But then again, you could purchase high end products and still not be pleased with the quality that you get. I digress..... Still, there are many good products out there that you don't have to break the bank to purchase.

I love my little experiment purchases and I especially love it when I am pleasantly surprised when I discover a gem :)

Monday, September 14, 2015


Today, I'm grateful for:
1. Getting to a Section 14 safely
2. Having no problems renewing my car road tax
3. Being able to assist a blind man to the door of the post office while I was there renewing my car road tax
4. Being able to buy lunch from the food truck and thus having a different sort of lunch than what I would normally have
5. Being able to park my car in Jaya Supermarket which is super close to the places I needed to go to to do my errands
6. Finding that the parking space that I vacated at my office was still available upon my return from my errands
7. Everything going smoothly and quickly without any hiccups

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask Review

I've been considering buying face sheet masks for quite a while now but most of my online research have found them to be not at all effective. My own experience of sheet masks in the past years ago have not been so memorable either.

Then, there was also the budget factor as sheet masks costs a lot more per use and I didn't want to buy something that did nothing much for my skin.

So, I decided to look at the conventional types of masks which was when I discovered the Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask. It comes in a tube and I figured that I was getting more for my money per use compared to sheet masks.

I purchased this product a couple of weeks back as I felt that my face was grimy from all the makeup that I've been wearing day in and day out and my skin needed a good scrub. I have since used this product three times so far.

The Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask is not like  the other masks out there. In fact, it's more of a scrub than a mask. It contains no parabens which is something that I like about this product.

I get a warm sensation when I first apply it on my face. It is grainy in texture due to the sugar in it and it is not a product that you can smooth on as a normal face mask. With this product, I kind of have to pat in onto my skin. It also has a nice citrusy scent but the scent doesn't last long after I've washed it off.

I leave it on my skin for about 7 minutes (as per the directions on the tube) and then massage it for a bit before rinsing it off.

I love using this product when I feel like I need some me time and pampering :)

Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask
RM20.00 (I got mine for RM15 as I had a RM5 store voucher)
Made in USA
Available in most drugstores

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Of Hitting Pan

Okay, these are the makeup products that I've hit pan on:

1. Stila Color Convertible in Magnolia
I just love this cream blusher. I got this in the Stila Glow and Behold Gift Set that I purchased around Christmas last year. When I first got it, I did't think that the colour was all that exciting but I was pleasantly surprised when I tried it on my cheeks. It gives my cheeks a natural flush. I wear this to work everyday.

2. NYX Stay Matte Not Flat Powder Foundation
This was purchased around this time last year. I use this as my setting powder. It's an okay product, nothing brilliant.

I'm looking forward to finishing this product so that I can move on to other products.

3. Catrice All Round Concealer Palette
This was purchased early this year and as you can see, I have only used the middle three colors.

I like that this product is not so thick as I find thick concealers tend to look cakey on my under eye area. In fact, all three of the colors that I use are creamy and easy to blend.

I use the salmon color to hide my dark under eye circles and then apply the darkest skin tone shade on top of it. I then use the lighter skin tone color as a highlight in my inner eyes to give me the bright eyed and awake look. This is another one of the staple products that I wear to work everyday.

I may have hit pan on these products but I bet that I still have at least another three months to go on the Catrice All Round Concealer Palette and at least another six months to go (if not more) on the Stila Color Convertible and NYX Powder Foundation.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Fat people spend a lot of time talking about food. What a waste of mental energy.

The Female Brain

On being sour grapes after being told that she would be a tutor to another colleague who gets to play the role of lecturer:

"...but the students don't like her." --- Do you have to make such remarks about your colleague in order to feel better about yourself? Are you indirectly saying that the students like you better? What a sad person you are. Since when did being liked equate to being effective as an instructor?

The female brain places waaayyy too much importance on being liked. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Lies People Choose to Tell Themselves

Why do people tell lies? Has it got to do with self perception or are they just delusional?

Talking about losing weight to be healthy is one thing; you can make plans to cut down on your food intake and exercise and talk about it till the cows come home but you've got to carry out the plans if you want to see any sort of change.

Nobody is suggesting that you loose weight. If being clinically obese is your thing, fine, each to their own. I guess, you don't love yourself enough. You choose to continue to take chances on your health. Well, carry on doing what you're doing. Just DON'T keep asking me what I think.

I'm tired of listening to you talk. Please don't waste my time.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Empties July 2015

These are the  product empties for July 2015:

1. FA Deodorant Purple Passion
I purchased this in a pack of three on one of my trips to Dubai. It keeps me smelling divine :)

2. Benefit Maybe Baby Body Lotion 200 ml
This is the second tube which was purchased on ebay years ago and which I rediscovered in my closet recently. I really love this product and am so sad that it's been discontinued :(

3. Simple Clear Skin Oil Balancing Moisturiser
I used this as a makeup remover.

4. The Body Shop Vitamin E Moisture Cream 15 ml
This is another product that I discovered sitting in my closet. This was a freebie that came with the purchase of other products from the Body Shop. This is another product that I used as a makeup remover as I don't use moisturisers and I hate to see a product go to waste.

5. Daiso Silk Facial Oil Blotter
This is one product that I keep repurchasing over and over again.

Saturday, August 08, 2015


Please, please, please stop the insults. I'm tired of your small mindedness. Grow up.

Monday, July 06, 2015

Essence Long Lasting Eye Pencil in Berry Merry Review

Okay, I've used the Essence Long Lasting Eye Pencil in 18 Merry Berry for a week now and I'm ready to do a review on it.

I purchased this eye liner after reading numerous positive reviews about it online. Unfortunately, my experience with this product isn't as positive :(

This is an automatic eye liner which doesn't come with much product to begin with. Although this is a soft eye liner, I have to apply quite a bit of this product before it shows on my skin. So far, it looks like I've used quite a bit of the product and it's only been a week! I'm not expecting this eye pencil to last very long, by the looks of it.

Considering how much product needs to be applied per wear, it's really not a cheap product for the price paid.

The colour, a beautiful satiny plum color when first applied, doesn't seem to look the same by the end of the work day. It fades and loses its intensity :( It loses its satiny plum color and looks more brown at the end of the day --- go figure! I find this a let down.

The Good
  • It's soft
  • The color looks beautiful when first applied
  • It's an automatic eye liner and is convenient as no sharpening is required
  • The packaging color is reflective of the color of the pencil inside which makes it easy to identify the color that I want quickly among my other eye pencils

The Bad
  • Not much product to begin with
  • The color fades throughout the day
  • I need to apply a lot of product before it shows on my skin
  • Looks like it won't last me a long time
  • The price is not as cheap as it may appear to be in the beginning when you factor in the price per wear
It is unlikely that I'll repurchase this product.

Update August 29, 2015
I've finished using this product. It only lasted me for seven weeks. A little bit of this eyeliner broke on me when I was applying it one morning. 

Essence Long Lasting Eye Pencil in 18 Berry Merry
RM12.60 (Available at selected Watson's outlets)
0.28g / 0.01oz
Made in Germany

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Empties June 2015

These are the things that I finished in June:

1. Guardian Facial Squares 100 Pieces

2. Lux Soap in Magical Spell 
A frugal solution that costs a fraction of the shower gels that I used to purchase although I still do enjoy treating myself to shower gels from time to time.

3. Body Shop Japanese Cherry Blossom EDT 50ml
This came as part of my birthday gift set from my sister a few years ago. The gift set consists of a shower gel (which was the first to be used and finished), a body lotion, a body mist spray and an EDT (just finished) which all came in a gift basket. 

It's an okay scent and not something that I would purchase for myself.

4. Daiso Silk Oil Blotters
My favorite oil blotters that I've repurchased this product a zillion times!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Treat: Essence Long Lasting Eye Liners

I caved in and purchased two Essence Long Lasting Eye Liners after reading so many good reviews about them. So far, my only Essence purchase are my Essence Lipstick and the Essence All About Matt! Fixing Loose Powder, both of which I love.

I got them in colors 18 Berry Merry, which is a purple, and 19 Hot Scorch which is a copper brown with glitters in it (something different from the normal brown that I usually have). 

The formula seemed soft when I swatched the testers at the store. I'm looking forward to testing them out to see how long they really last.   

Monday, June 22, 2015

Urban Decay Sheer Revolution Lipstick in Sheer Anarchy Review

It's been a looonngggggg time since I last purchased a branded lipstick. I think the last branded lipstick I had was the Dior lipstick which was purchased many years ago (I kid you not!). So yeah, this was certainly a long awaited treat in the branded lipstick department.

I purchased this lipstick in the last Sephora Black Card Members Sale in May as the whole store was 20% off and yes, it was an impulse purchase and certainly a splurge in my books!

I went there to purchase just the Stila Color Convertibles that I had been eyeing on but somehow, while browsing the stands, I came across the Urban Decay Sheer Revolution lipstick line and the rest, as they say, is history.   

I love, love, love this lipstick. It goes on smoothly and the formula is moisturising (matte dry lipsticks don't do it for me). 

Now that it's Ramadhan and I don't eat during the daylight hours, I actually discovered that this lipstick fades after about 4 to 5 hours. Before this, I thought it was due to eating and all that water sipping that I do throughout the work day. But hey, I'm not complaining as I love the formula.

The color, when it fades, stains to the reddish color. It doesn't look fuchsia at all.

Anarchy is a color that when I swatched it at the store, I just had to have it (yes, it was that bad!). It's a pretty fuchsia color. I've been using this lippie almost every day lately. It makes me feel good. *Love*


Urban Decay Sheer Revolution Lipstick in Sheer Anarchy 
RM 85.00 (I purchased mine for RM 68.00 during Sephora's 20% off storewide sale in May)
2.8 g/ 0.09 oz
Made in USA

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Free Cetaphil Sample

Look what arrived in the mail  a few weeks ago. This is a product that I like and it's one that I don't mind having a sample of :)

Monday, June 01, 2015

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser Review

This is the cleanser that I've been using for almost the past four months or so.

It's a really mild cleanser which takes some getting used to in the beginning as, unlike many other skin cleansers out there, its consistency is pretty runny. It also doesn't leave my skin feeling dry. I haven't experienced any skin issues after beginning using this product. Thumbs up!


Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
RM 28.45 (I purchased mine during Guardian Pharmacy's sale)
250 ml
Made in Canada

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Body Shop Love Gloss in Sweet Peach Review

I got this as a freebie from the Body Shop somewhere in November last year in exchange for writing a review for one of their products on their facebook page.

Yup, I got it and somehow, didn't open the packaging till today because somehow, the color seemed too blah and far from exciting to me.

Well, I finally got around to opening the packaging today as I needed a clear lip gloss to go on top of my lipstick and wow, it made me wonder what  took me so long to open it! It smells of peaches!!! I just adore the smell!


The Body Shop Love Lip Gloss in 17 Sweet Peach
Normal Retail Price: RM 49.00 (I got mine FREE!!!)
7.5 ml / 0.25 fl oz
Made in Thailand

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Kipling Polka dot Print Wallet Review

I went to the Kipling Members Sale Preview last week in 1-Utama solely because my then wallet was disintegrating to the point that it was kinda embarrassing to be seen using it and I was looking for a replacement wallet.

The sale itself was mega crazy. There was barely any room to move in that tiny store!

I got this wallet for 40% the original price. It was still pricey after the discount but I desperately had to get a new wallet and let me tell you, I have been looking for a replacement wallet for a long time already and have yet to find something that I liked, until today, that is. 

I have since used this wallet a little over a week now and so far, I love it! It has two zippered compartments, one for cards and the other for cash and coins. I like that the zippers are in fuchsia which contrasts with the polka dot prints. It also feels  comfortable in my hand --- something that I find is important to me. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Review: Stila Blooming Bright Convertible Color Trio

Sephora recently had a Black Card Members Sale with 20% discount storewide.

I saw the Stila Convertible Trio Sets (there are two to choose from) a few months back and put them on my wish list.

My wish list is one that I create in my head of things that I'd like to have but I'm not sure if it's something that would be something I would really use or just an impulse purchase. So when I see something, I normally don't purchase it immediately but instead wait a little bit to see how I would feel about it much later.

When I received the member's sale text message from Sephora, I  just had to go as I'd been eyeing the Stila Color Convertible Trio for quite some time and thought that I would drop by on the off chance that they might still have them.

I already own a full sized Stila Color Convertible in Magnolia which came  in the set that I purchased last Christmas and I love it and wear it everyday. Magnolia is not a bright color and is easy to use. It also gives my cheeks a lovely flush of color that looks natural.

So, I've been wanting to try out the other colors in the line but since I'm on a tight budget, I didn't want to purchase them at full price.

These are limited edition, I think. I thought that the small packaging would be ideal for me since very little is needed for each wear and I would prefer the color variety over the quatity of product. I've been using my Stila Color Convertible in Magnolia to work every day and I have yet to hit pan!

The Blooming Bright Convertible Color Trio is made up of the shades Lilium, Petunia and Hibiscus. These cute little sizes come with a mirror inside the compact!

At first, I found the colors difficult to blend out when applied using my fingers as the colors are quite bright. 

I later discovered a method of applying cream blushers online and decided to give it a try and I'm happy to say, it works! 

What's the method, you ask? Well, apply I these colors using a make up sponge and dab the color onto my cheeks. It gives me more control as to where I want the color to go and also the intensity of color that I want.


Stila Blooming Bright Convertible Color Trio
RM 70.00 (I purchased mine for RM 56.00 during Sephora's 20% off storewide sale in May)
2 g/ 0.07 oz
Made in China