Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pantai Hospital Klang Pink Charity Run 2014

I completed my very first 12k race! Yay!!!

The 12k Route Map

After the hilly 10k TM Fan Run, I'm thankful for the fairly flat terrain of this run. I must admit that I was pretty hesitant about signing up for this 12k five months ago as I wasn't sure of my ability to go such a distance.

Okay, I know that 12k is really nothing to most other seasoned runners out there but for me, it is a BIG challenge. The only other option is the 5k but I've come to a point where I feel that 5k's are a tad too short of a distance. So at the very last minute (yes, I mulled over it for a lllooonnngggg time), I took the plunge and signed up for the 12k (while at the same time wondering what possessed me to do so!).

I woke up early today to go to this event in Setia Alam (I had no idea that it was that far out when I registered for the race). This event was well organized with plenty of water and 100 Plus provided at the hydration stations. I particularly liked the watermelon served at the end of the race. There were also many pics of me caught in action on camera!

Talking about many pics of me caught on camera, I particularly liked it that one of the photographers brought his especially well trained dog to the run and the doggie was just chilling out --- a pretty cool dog!

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