Sunday, October 17, 2010

Latin American Movie Marathon

i was at the movies yesterday afternoon as well as today afternoon watching latin american movies.  out of the nine movies showing, i narrowed down my selection to three and watched one yesterday and the other two today.

of the three, i enjoyed la camara oscura, an argentinean movie, best.  i liked how the images were visually presented to evoke the emotions.  there were parts in the movie where animation was beautifully used to show the dream world of a child's imagination as she reads a book. this movie also uses still photography as art and imagination.

the story is simple.  it is about a child, gertrudis, who grew up into a woman feeling thinking that she is unattractive and ugly until one day, a photographer shows her her beauty and makes her feel beautiful.

the other two movies which i watched today was the pope's toilet (uruguay) and nonna's trip (mexico).

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