Sunday, September 12, 2010


my mother keeps saying that i am "a terrible person" (she has said this more than once and on different occasions).  today she said something like if people saw me, they would  probably think that my brother is a terrible person too but on the contrary, he is such a sweet soul.  yeah, i know, how better to put me down.   i feel really offended.  okay, i know that she doesn't love me as much as she loves my sisters and brother but does she have to say that i am a terrible person???  i'm hurt. most people, my mother included, fail to realize that i am a sensitive soul.  i let such comments slide when i hear her say it because i don't want to have any arguments but am i really such a terrible soul???

i cannot help but think of the times when i was a child and when i was unhappy --- i would associate myself with my dad.  i never felt that dad loved me less than my other siblings but around mom, i feel it loads.

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