Sunday, June 14, 2009

different worlds

my mother and i come from two different worlds. am i the result of education? is this why i see things differently from her? or am i simply the result of being part of a different generation?

my mother sees marriage as something that happens for life no matter how good or bad the marriage may be. i, on the other hand, believe in giving your best shot in your marriage and if things don't work out, at least, you know you tried to make it work before walking away from it. i don't think it is wrong to walk away from a marriage in order to become a happier person. i don't think that one should stay in a marriage "for thier children's sake" as i believe that two unhappy parents who never see eye to eye do not make ideal role models for their kids.

am i wrong in believing in seeking personal happiness? is it wrong to want to be happy? isn't happiness what we all seek in life?


nomorebuns said...

hi jungleorchid. I stumbled on your blog accidentally when I was googling 'bookcrossing'. Like you, I am also a postgrad student, love books, miss my dad, and teach language to young adults. And yes I certainly agree that happiness is a personal aim, only different people have different definitions of 'happiness'.

jungleorchid said...

hi bunnyslave,
i am happy to meet a bookcrossing fan and hey, we seem to have a lot in common! :)