Tuesday, February 17, 2009


a few nites ago, i stayed up late. what was i doing, i hear you ask? well, believe it or not, i was up trying to teach myself some basic statistics. yup, am definitely kicking myself for not signing up for the paper when i should have but you know how it is, i avoided taking papers which i thought i was not going to ace in (the statistics module is not a compulsory paper for my studies) but as life should have it, i apparently REQUIRE it now. sigh... anyway, i managed to make sense of how the standard of deviation is calculated and better still, i finally made sense as to WHY i need to present the standard of deviation scores in my analysis.

here's some background history --- of all the papers that i have taken thus far, the research methodology paper made the least sense. i got almost nothing out of that class. if anything at all, i got even more muddled. there was a lot of talk in that class --- basically the instructor talked a lot about stuff that confused and confounded many of us (believe me when i tell you that i wasn't the only clueless one in the lecture hall!). she might as well have been talking german, if you know what i mean. anyway, there were a lot of concepts that went unexplained and everything seemed to be one big haze for me...until now...until i finally got around to doing some reading myself to make sense of my need for descriptive statistics. gee... i should have done this sooner!!!

anyway... the good news is that i'm not the gone case that i thought i was before i struggled with trying to make sense of descriptive statistics... i just needed to do a hell lot of reading!!! hey, who knows... i just might find that i like it....errr...maybe NOT!!! :)

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