Friday, December 21, 2007

bOOk SaLe --- Mine!!! :) :) :)

A few days ago, I came up with this bright idea of selling my paperbacks at the office. I thought that since I am done with reading the books and really, just how many books am I going to re-read again and again and again??? None! So, with that realization, I thought, I might as well hold my own itty bitty "warehouse" book sale and make some space for more new books in my home library! I'm selling my books off dirt cheap but I figured that since I am done with reading them, someone else might benefit from them now and for less bucks too!

I wasn't so sure how the girls at the office would take to my sale so I brought in a sample of 12 books to the office today just to see how they would take to the them and surprisingly, they did quite well. More than half were picked up and many of my colleagues were surprised that they were "so cheap". Now, all I've got to worry about it collecting the money from them!!! Pray hard that they pay up quickly!!

It's not easy parting with those books since I spent hours and hours selecting them but there is no point in them lying around at home not doing anyone any good (I'm tring to convince myself that I am making the right decision!).'s so difficult for me to see them go. I hope they will be as enjoyable and enlightening to the people who take them home and I hope they are treated well...

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