Thursday, December 08, 2016

Empties | November 2016

These are the products that I finished in November, 2016:

1.  Cetaphil | 500 ml | Made in Canada
This is a staple in my daily routine (which explains the 500 pump bottle size). It's non-drying and doesn't irritate skin. This was purchased in a pack of 3 so I still have two more to go!

2. Soap & Glory Peaches and Clean 4 in 1 Wash Off Deep Cleansing Milk | 350 ml | Made in the UK 

I use this product sometimes when I feel that the baby wipes are not removing my face products well enough (which explains why this product has lasted me so long). Soap & Glory products cost a fraction of the price that they are sold for in Sephora in Malaysia and since wising up to this fact, I have purchased two bottles of this product in the UK as backups.

I love the smell though I do feel that it can be a tad too strong of a product and dry out my skin if I use it too often,

3. Oral B Floss | Made in Ireland
This is a default item in my handbag.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Empties | October 2016

These are the products that I finished using in October 2016:

1. Boots Zingy Berries & Cream Shower Gel | 250 ml | Made in Bulgaria
This was purchased on my recent holiday to Bangkok. I simply love the scent and texture of this shower gel. Good thing that I have backups!

2. Adidas Women Deodorant Pure Lightness Perfumed Deo | 150 ml | Made in EU
The scent of this deodorant is not as strong as Nivea and I prefer this to Nivea.

3. Catrice Nude Illusion Make Up | 30 ml | Made in Italy
I had a love hate relationship with this product but I persevered and used it all up! It goes on nicely but it tends to separate on my face and I just couldn't figure out if it was my primer that it was reacting to! I am now working on my the next foundation to finish on my list.

4. Citrus Hotel Guest Bar Soap
I like to use things up instead of wasting them. This was from my Bangkok trip.

5. Biore Perfect Cleansing Water| 90 ml | Made in Vietnam 
I didn't buy this product. I got it free in an exchange program where I exchanged an empty bottle of makeup remover with a new bottle of the product. This is supposed to be a makeup remover for face, eyes and lips but I used it as an eye makeup remover. It was an okay product.

This eyeshadow primer lasted me ages. It was okay, I guess but I have since moved on to another product which I like more so it's quite unlikely that I'll be repurchasing this product.

Friday, November 11, 2016


This is my RM5 lunch today. It consists of a Personal Pan pizza, garlic bread and soup of the day. Not bad, huh?

Monday, September 05, 2016

Matta Fair: Looking for Flights

I went to the Matta Fair yesterday to look for flights to Europe for the end of the year vacation. I went there on the off chance that the prices might be cheaper than what was being offered online. 

This is what I discovered: the Matta Fair is probably a better deal if you're looking for travel packages (i.e. hotel + flights). If you're like me and on the hunt for only flights, my advice is it is better for you to advoid the crowd at the Matta fair and instead stay home and chill out in front of your computer and just book your flights online as flights are NOT cheaper at the fair. In fact, if anything at all, they can turn out to be more expensive (go figure!).

Saturday, August 20, 2016


Today, I'm tossing out:
1. An old takeaway food saver container
2. Two pens

Monday, August 15, 2016

Journal Planner

This is my Journal Planner. It's basically just a notebook that I already had lying around (this is a Picadilly Essential Notebook which I purchase a year or so ago at a Popular Sale down on the ground floor of IPC).

I like this more than a diary that you can purchase out there as it allows me to have the flexibility to decide how much space I want to dedicate to a day, depending on what I've got happening on that day. And best of all, I get to doddle in it!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Drying Wet Running Shoes Trick

I got stuck in a sudden downpour (as normally is the case where I live) yesterday morning while I was out running and came home soaking wet. I didn't mind being soaking wet but I was worried that my running shoes wouldn't be the same after drying.

I tried a trick which I read on the web a while ago and it worked! I stuffed newspaper into my shoes, changed the newspapers about five hours later and this morning, my shoes are dry anad feel the same as before --- Yay!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Today, I'm tossing out:
1. An old Raya cookie container which I repurposed and used as a container to store spices (I threw the expired spices out last weekend)
2. Two old plastic bottles of spices (expired)

Tuesday, August 09, 2016


Tossing out today:
1. An empty Optrex bottle
2. The box that the Optrex bottle came in
3. An empty Guardian Spa @ Home Sugar Ginger Body Scrub jar (100g from years ago (yes, I keep useless things... and there are dead ants in the jar :O --- how did they get in??? But I guess that shows that real sugar was used).

Monday, August 08, 2016


Today, I'm tossing out these three very old and dried up ball pens.

Sunday, August 07, 2016


Today, I'm tossing out:
1. Two very old and dried out felt tip pens 
2. A dried out coloured gel pen (also from years ago)

Saturday, August 06, 2016


Today, I'm tossing out:
1. A Vitagen walk tee which I got in my pack for a walk I participated in two years ago.
2. A fashion show crew tee from one of the places I worked at a few years ago.
3. A Daiso waist pouch (the zipper's broken :( ) 

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Pen Brush Calligraphy: Day 1

This is my first day's attempt at learning pen brush calligraphy. Looks like a neat skill to learn but certainly not an easy one to pick up!

Wednesday, August 03, 2016


I normally take the steps that go through the delivery area at the mall across from where I work as I make my way to the Malay stalls for lunch.

On my way back from lunch, there was a deliveryman who was at the top of the stairs about to come down. He had his empty trolley in his hand and I waited for him to come down as the steps are narrow.

As he came down, I saw his shoes. They were sneakers and they were battered and deteriorating and almost coming apart. :'(

Note to self: to use all my existing shoes till they can't be used anymore. If others can do it, why should I be throwing out perfecting good shoes?

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Finding Beauty

Beauty is found in the most unlikely places. There is beauty all around us. Have you looked around you lately or have you been going about your daily life on autopilot?

Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday Nite and I had a date with Brookes :)

It's Friday nite and I don't envy the other girls who are dressed to the nines in their super short outfits and very high platforms while, I, in contrast am dressed in my shorts and running tee and you know what? I am happy to be out with Brookes :)

I always feel good when I'm out with Brookes :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Review: OXY Oil Control Moisturizer

Confession: I've not been using moisturiser for the longest time. The reason behind this is simple --- I've oily skin and every moisturiser that I've tried before this has made my already very oily skin an oily mess (not sexy, trust me!).

Last week, though, I fell asleep with my Freeman's Black Sugar Charcoal Mask on my face (it was only to be used for 7 minutes before being rinsed off). I rinsed it off after I woke up (which was hours later) and the skin on my chin was dry and itchy and that was when I actively looked for a moisturiser in hope that it would offer my skin some much needed relief.

I wanted a moisturiser that wouldn't cost a lot of moolah since I've got a record of ditching my moisturiser half way through if I found that it made me more oily than before I started using it. My research at the local drugstore brought to light many possible moisturisers all claiming to be suitable for oily skin but my online research of the products revealed that many didn't work well on oily skin such as my own. There was, however, one product that seemed to be loved by many online reviewers.

Enter the OXY Oil Control Moisturizer which thankfully is a drugstore brand and doesn't cost a bomb (phew!). It is, I need to mention, not easy to come by in the drugstores. I purchased mine at the Guardian in One Utama Shopping Centre with my existing credit on my OneCard, so, it really cost me nothing.

The OXY Oil Control Moisturizer comes packaged in a pump bottle which is a plus in my books. The bottle itself, however, is an opaque white plastic bottle which I'm not really a fan of as I won't be able to see how much more product is left in the bottle over time.

The product itself is a white colored gel that smells a tad mediciney but the smell doesn't linger for long. I only use a tiny amount and I expect this bottle to last me a looonnggg time. It dries fairly quickly too, which is another plus in my books. So far, it has not made my skin more oily than before, so I'm quite happy in that department. 

Now, all I've got to figure out is how to get my primer and my foundation to work in sync. My foundation tends to literally slide in the midday. I think it could be due to my primer, but I'm not too sure about that. That's something that I've got to explore more.

OXY Oil Control Moisturizer
Made in China
Normal Retail Price:  RM15.85 (I got mine for RM13.45 as it was on sale)
Available from: Selected Guardian and Watsons 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A Little Kindness in the World

I was walking around the neighbourhood shopping mall near my work place during lunch hour. I saw a stray cat eating from a food bowl placed in front of a pet shop. The thin stray cat hung around the front of the shop after eating. He looked satisfied. He was friendly and let me pet him. There is still kindness in the world.

My Oasis

My recently discovered oasis away from the madness of the daily grind. Quiet and peaceful, just the way I like it :)

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Decluttering #10

Tossing out today:
1. Old and reused numerous times empty Carrefour ear buds container.
2. Empty FA Deodorant in Pink Passion from my June 2016 Empties post.
3. Old and deteriorating Cat card case which I purchased in Debenhams in Dubai a few years ago. 

Recent Purchase: J.Cats Beauty Love Struck Glam Glow Powder in 111 Kitten Kisses

I saw this in Watsons in Bangkok recently and I immediately fell in love with it. Now, how cute is this, right?

J. Cats is an American drugstore brand that is not available in KL. It doesn't come with a drugstore price tag in Bangkok, in fact, it costs quite a bit in Bangkok. Still, I had to have it.

It looks soooo pretty. Now, think I'll ever use it?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Decluttering #8

Today, I threw out:

1. An empty bottle Biore Perfect Face Milk from my June 2016 Empties post.This is actually a sunscreen and also a primer which has helped keep my oily skin at bay. This was my first Biore Perfect Face Milk bottle purchase. I have since stocked up on more bottles which I purchased during sales.

2. An empty container of Essence All About Matt Loose Powder (the lid is cracked and no, I didn't drop it) from my June 2016 Empties post.

3. An empty box of my favorite Silk Facial Oil Blotters from Daiso (also from my June 2016 Empties post). 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Decluttering #7

Today, I threw out:

1. A cut up tube of toothpaste (I do this to get to the last bits of toothpaste in the tube. You'll be amazed to see how much product is still in the tube when you cut the tube up).

2. An empty Oral B floss container from my June 2016 Empties post.

3. An Oral B floss packaging which I kept so that I could take pictures for my June 2016 Empties post.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Review: Boots Zingy Berries and Cream Shower Gel

I love anything berries. I came across the Boots Zingy Berries and Cream shower gel while I was in Bangkok. I was on the lookout for a shower gel to use while I was there as the shower gel that was supplied by the hotel that I was staying at was cheap and nasty.

The Boots Zingy Berries and Cream shower gel smells heavenly and it lathers up nicely with loads of suds. It was on sale (reduced from 120 Bath to 490 Bath).

This is definitely a love for me. In fact, I loved it so much that I went back and purchased two more bottles to take home with me.

Boots Zingy Berries and Cream Shower Gel
250 ml/ 8.4 fl oz
Made in UK
Normal Retail Price:  120 Bath (I got mine for 490 Bath as it was on sale. I got a further 5% Tourist Discount from Boots and it ended up costing only 466 Bath)
Available from: Boots Thailand

Decluttering #6

Today, I threw out:

1. An empty Tesco Loves Baby 30's package (I saved it for photo taking purposes for my Empties May 2016 post).

2. An empty Guardian Floss (also saved for photo taking purposes for my Empties May 2016 post).

3. The packaging that the Guardian Floss came in (another item that I save for photo taking purposes for my Empties May 2016 post). 

Saturday, July 16, 2016


A serious cookies supply all the way from London! Love! :*

Decluttering #5

Today, I'm throwing out the following:

1. Revlon Glossy Licious Deliciously Shiny Lipgloss (this product was made in Australia) purchased years ago and has since separated.

2. Clinique Long Last Glosswear SPF15 in 01 Goldspun purchased as a set of five at the airport duty free shop on one of my trips to Bangkok years ago.

3. Audiclean Ear Wax Remover also purchased years ago when I had blocked ears --- it didn't work for me, if you're wondering.

Decluttering #4

Things decluttered today:

1. A H&M purple undie which although is much loved is seriously loose everywhere except for the waistband.

2. A much loved baby blue top which has stained armpits :(

3. A lilac ruffle at the knee length skirt which has lost its elasticity at the waist band.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Decluttering #3

Things decluttered today:

1. One box of Loreal Hair color which expired years ago.

2, A much loved La Senza undie which as purchased during one of my trips to Dubai years ago (yes, that's how long my undies last me!).  While the elastic band is still good, the rest of the undie has lost its elasticity and is loose, seriously loose --- Not sexy!

3. A H&M black dress which I bought two years ago to wear to my brother's wedding. I only wore this dress once and it showed signs of deterioration after just one wash. I only got one wear from this dress :(

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Decluttering #2

Things decluttered today:

Three expired boxes Garnier Hair Color Kits which I purchased years ago in a warehouse sale. I guess I didn't use them because I found the color to be not long lasting and washes out easily.

Friday, July 08, 2016

Empties | June 2016

These are the products that I finished in June 2016:

1. Biore UV Perfect Skin Milk | 30 ml | Made in Japan
This deceivingly small bottle lasted me over three months (I was expecting to get only about two months out of it max so I was surprised)!

I initially purchased this product as a sunscreen but discovered that it is also a primer at the same time!

I love that this product lets my skin stay less oily for longer. It does leave a slight white cast on my skin but I would rather live with the white cast rather than expose my skin to the UV rays out there. It's a small compromise to make.

I have since purchased three backup bottles of this product during Watson's sale. Love!

2. Oral B Essential Floss | 50 m | Made in Ireland
Love this product and have since stocked up on more during Guardian's 3 for 2 promotion.

3. Daiso Silk Oil Blotters | 100 Sheets | Made in Japan
This is one of my must have products in my handbag.

4. FA Pink Deodorant | 150 ml | Made in Germany
This was part of a three pack that I purchased quite a while ago while I was in Dubai. I love the scent, not too overpowering. This was the last of the pack :(

5. Essence All About Matt! Loose Powder | 0.38 oz/ 11 g | Made in Italy
This one lasted me a long time. The powder is white in colour and had to be used sparingly in order not to leave a white cast on my skin. This product is no longer available in Malaysia, so no repeat buys for me :(

6. MooGoo Scalp Cream 250g/ 8.8 oz | Hand Made | Made in Australia
I purchased this years ago. MooGoo is an Australian  organic product line containing no nasties. Fragrance free and mineral oil (paraffin oil) free.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Empties | May 2016

These are the products that I finished in May 2016:

1. Essence Cookies and Cream Hand Balm | 100 ml | Made in Poland
This was a limited edition hand balm by Essence and had the scent of cookies! Mmmm....yum!

2. Tesco Loves Baby Moisturising Baby Wipes | 30 Sheets 
 Made in Malaysia
Unlike the previous packs of Tesco Loves Baby Wipes which were made in Korea, this one is made in Malaysia. I didn't notice a difference in quality though.

3. Guardian Dental Mint Floss | 60 m | Made in China
This dental floss is the thicker sort. It was okay, but kind of a struggle to slide between close set teeth.

Friday, June 17, 2016

One Utama Shopping Centre e-Duit Raya Promotion

I was in One Utama Shopping Centre and saw a sign saying that for every RM20 of e-Duit Raya purchased online through their online store OneShop, they would match it and give another RM20. This promotion was, however, only for the first 200 online transactions.

I decided to try my luck and purchased RM20 e-duit raya and guess what --- a few minutes after I received my e-Duit Raya gift card in my email, I received another email telling me that I was given a RM20 e-Duit Raya rebate also via an online gift card!

It basically means that I got my RM20 e-Duit Raya gift card purchase matched with another RM20 e-Duit Raya! Woohooo!!! I'm a happy bunny as that means more shopping money for me!

The e-Duit Raya, when redeemed, will be transferred into my existing OneCard account which can be used as a debit card when shopping in any of the participating shops (and there are many) in One Utama Shopping Centre.

Takeaway of the day: It pays to read the signages, sometimes :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

D.I.Y. Skin Tag Removal --- An Experiment

I've had this skin tag that has been hanging on for dear life somewhere on my left underarm for a quite a number of years now and although I have been curious in the past about removing it myself, I was also quite worried if something else happened (i.e. it getting infected and such). 

For the record, I have tried the Tea Tree Oil method a few years ago and NOTHING happened.

A few nights ago though, I tried tying the skin tag with a piece of dental floss and tightened the dental floss as much as I could. I have to admit that it stung a little bit. I left the ends of the dental floss long and loose so that I could easily tighten the knot as and when needed. 

On the second day, the skin tag turned dark and it looked kind of shrilvelled and dried out.  

This morning, as I was doing my chores at home, I felt a sting in the area of the skin tag and later, when I looked at my underarm, it was GONE and it didn't even bleed! OMG, this really works! :O

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sephora's Black Card Sale

Yup, I went to the Sephora Black Card members' sale and this is all that I bought :)

I've been wanting to buy the Zoeva 317 Eye Liner brush for the longest time but prior to this, Zoeva was only available on the Luxola website and Zoeva was never on sale.

This time around though, the entire Sephora store and website are on 20% discount and I took the opportunity to purchase the Zoeva 317 Wing Eye Liner brush --- yay!

Friday, May 20, 2016

The Numbers are Arbitriary

It is the time for the annual review where I work. To me, the numbers on the paper are arbitrary (especially so in the organisation that I work).

Unlike others at work, I didn't want to waste time quibbling over the numbers. I don't need someone else to validate my performance at work. I know that I put my all into my work, that's just the kind of person that I am and I know what I'm worth.

The numbers on that piece of paper is just another piece of paperwork. To me, if I'm not happy with the way things are, I'll just send out my resume to other employers.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blood Check

My left arm...

...and my right arm

I went to the hospital today to get my blood drawn for my routine blood check and the male nurse made a boo boo and drew only one vial of blood before he realized that he should have drawn two (despite me pointing out that to him the prior to him drawing my blood the first time around). And so, I ended up with having both arms pricked :(

Monday, May 02, 2016

Empties | April 2016

These are the products that I finished using in April 2016:

1. Tesco Everyday Value | Facial Cotton Pads | 100 pieces | Made in Malaysia
This is one of my everyday staples. It's good, doesn't cost an arm and a leg and does what it's supposed to do.  :)

2. Tesco Loves Baby | Moisturising Baby Wipes | 30 Sheets | Made in Korea
Another of my everyday staples that I use as makeup remover wipes. I don't wear a lot of makeup and this does a good job in removing my makeup before I wash my face with a facial cleanser. 

This product is alcohol an paraben free.

3. Stila Color Convertible | Magnolia | 0.75 oz / 4.25 g | Made in U.S.A.
This product lasts a long time even with daily use for work. I got this is part of a Christmas set that I purchased in Sephora around two years ago. I've been wearing this to work for over a year (about 16 months, to be exact). 

While the colour Magnolia may not look bright in the container, it gives my cheeks a nice natural looking healthy glow when applied on my cheeks. Unfortunately, this colour has been discontinued. 

I love Stila's Color Convertibles and I have the other colours in deluxe sizes which I purchased as a set of three. 

4. Guardian Facial Oil Blotters | 100 sheets
Do not buy these. I painstackingly finished this pack of oil blotters which I purchased a long time ago. They don't absorb oil very oil. No!

The Star Fit for Life 2016

The Star Fit for Life is a health fair which was held at the Mid Valley Shopping Mall from April 29 to May 1, 2016. I was there on Saturday, April 30, 2016.

                           The pre-registered visitors queuing up at 10:30 AM 

I pre-registered for the event via the Great Eastern website thinking that by pre-registering for the event I would be able to breeze through the registration process. Boy, was I wrong.

There were two lines for registration: one for pre-registered visitors and one for walk ins. The pre-registration line was extremely slow while the walk ins just breezed in. So much for pre-registering, huh.

I received a goodie bag from Great Eastern while those who walked in received a goodie bag from The Star.

Fit for Life 2016 Goodie Bag courtesy of Great Eastern

Here's what was in my goodie bag:
1. A Great Life Card
2, A cutlery set (consisting of a fork, a spoon and a pair of chopsticks) in a pouch
3. A pen
4. An itty bitty multicoloured spiral bound note book
5. A hand towel
6. A pack of Watson's velvety soft pocket tissues
7. A Yogood strawberry muesli bar
8. A First Aid Info pack from Glenegales Hospital

The Great Life Card got me a free salad by Chai Bar.

The Great Eastern Signature Salad by Chai Bar

While I was there, I also got a free recyclable shopping bag from Guardian. It's called 'the little orange bag' but it's anything but little. I like it that it's light enough for me to carry it in my handbag.

I also got a health test done. The health test required a purchase from Guardian to qualify for the complimentary tests. You can read more about the tests here.

Review: Famous Amos Snack Pack

Famous Amos 25 gms Snack Pack 

Famous Amos has the Snack Pack promotion going on from time to time and there's one currently running this weekend.

The snack pack is an itty bitty pack that fits into the palm of my hand. In it, there are only 4-5 cookies depending on the size of the cookies. 

What I like about this pack is that it gives me a chance to enjoy the cookies without the guilt! And oh, these snack packs are RM1 each. 

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Health Checks at Fit for Life 2016

I'm always game for free health checks that are normally given at health fairs in shopping malls as it gives me the opportunity to see how I'm doing.

I have been looking forward to this fair as I am always game for free/ complimentary health checks that they usually offer in such fairs. I was there yesterday. 

Prior to going to this fair, three weeks ago, I had a free blood cholesterol level check by Biogrow in a small health fair in One Utama on April 10, 2016. The result was anything but great. My blood cholesterol reading was 5.3 mmol/l (note: a good reading is less than 5.2 mmol/l). Okay, so it was not high but it was on the borderline, something that I wasn't not comfortable with.

To be honest, I've been letting my food choices slide. I've been having way too many Mc D's breakfasts and KFC lunches. I've been making my food choices based on convenience rather than health. Not good, I know.

My not so stellar cholesterol reading was a good enough nudge for me to get my act together and to reconsider what I was consuming daily.  I decided to take my own lunch to work on most days and to get back to eating oatmeal with fruit on at least five days a week. I also amped up my running.

At the Fit for Life 2016 health fair, I got a complimentary health check by Guardian. I qualified for this by just making a purchase at Guardian booth at the fair.

Here are the results:
1, Glucose Level - 5.0 mmol/l (I was fasting since I knew I was coming for the tests, by the way)

2. Cholesterol Level - 4.34 mmol/l (Woohooo!!! I was ecstatic as I thought that I it would be only around the 5.2 level but I was told by the very nice pharmacist on duty (Natasha Thaker) that it is quite easy to reduce blood cholesterol levels quickly. This is cetainly good to know)

3. My metabolic rate is 23 years!!! (This came as a complete surprise but I'm not complaining!)

I'm glad that my health check turned out okay. Phew! At least, I know that I'm doing it right. 


Kitty Cushion for Charity

I purchased this cute kitty cushion from FFF's fundraiser in IPC today :)

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Empties | March 2016

These are the products that I finished using in March:
1. Catrice Photo Finish 18 Hour Liquid Foundation | Shade 030 
Made in Germany
This was my staple foundation which I used daily to work. You can read my review on it here. Sadly, this product has been discontinued :(

2. Tesco Loves Baby | 30 Moisturising Baby Wipes 
Made in Korea
I use this product as makeup remover wipes and it does the job. Better still, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg! You can read my review on this product here.

3. Daiso | Silk Oil Blotting Paper | 100 Sheets
My repeat buy to combat the oilies on my skin.

4. Skin Wisdom Moisture Care Soap | 100 g 
Made in China
This product is produced for Tesco UK in China. It is a pretty moisturising soap and costs a lot less if compared to body washes.

5. Bagno Doccia Shampoo | Milk & Peach Shampoo & Body Wash | 500ml
Made in Italy
I purchased this in the supermarket next door to where I live. It's an okay product that does what it's supposed to do.

6. Wilko Fruits Chocolate Orange Fragrance Explosion Body Butter | 100ml
Made in China
I purchased this on my recent trip to London. While I love scent (who can resist the scent chocolate oranges?), I certainly didn't like the texture. Finishing it was a pain. Read the full review here.

7. Bubble T Bath & Body | Summer Fruits Tea Body Spray | 100ml 
Made in the UK
This was purchased while I was in London last Christmas. I love this scent of berries. Too bad that I only purchased one bottle :(

8. Carrefour Dental Floss | 50m 
Made in EU
I bought this dental floss while I was in Dubai recently. It did the job.

Monday, April 11, 2016

How I Reward Myself for Running

This is how I reward myself at the end of a run. It can get to be really hot out there in the heatwave. I find that I look forward to running more when I reward myself. So, I reward myself with a luxurious shower gel at the end of my run. A nice cool shower is something that I look forward to at the end of my run. 

I've recently been refraining from signing up for runs as (1) they are pretty pricey, (2) the weather is unpredictable and there is no guarantee if the runs are really going to happen (quite a number of runs were cancelled last year due to the poor air quality as a result of the haze) and (3) I figured that  I would be better off spending the money that I would have spent on the run registration on a reward of my choice.

At the moment, I'm using the Soap & Glory Sugar Crush Shower Gel. I only have to use two pumps of the product for my shower, no kidding. It may be a tad pricey where I live. but I figured that it is a worthy reward for my hard work! I love the sweet limey scent. 

I'm currently window shopping for my next workout reward which I'll purchase when this one finishes. I simply love browsing for my next reward. Half of the fun is the browsing, if you ask me! It makes running fun and something I look forward to, even in the super hot weather that we're getting here!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Review: Cotton On Rubi Pacific Plimsole in Oat Red Stripe

My cute Rubi Pacific Plimsoles in Red Oat Stripe 

But the insoles aren't glued properly!!! :(

I love Cotton On's Rubi shoes. They have some really cute and playful designs and on top of that, they are comfortable but after owning a few pairs of their plimsoles I have one major gripe --- the insoles don't stick! These are pictures of my brand new Pacific Plimsoles that I have just worn today. Notice that the insoles came apart after only ONE wear! :(

These aren't the only pair of Cotton On's Rubi plimsoles where I had this problem --- I have two other pairs of Rubi primsoles that also have problems with the insoles not sticking to the inside of the shoes.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Review: Bath & Body Works Peach Bellini Fine Fragrance Mist

I purchased the Bath & Body Works Peach Bellini Fine Fragrance Mist in the recent Valiram Friends & Family Sale. I was there looking for a fragrance mist since I had just finished my Bubble T body spray.

I must admit that I wasn't too sure about the Peach Bellini scent at first, and I wasn't so sure if I should purchase it or not while I was at the sale but I'm glad that I did because the scent has grown on me.

I thought that the scent should have smelt more tart like peaches but instead, this one smells quite sweet. I couldn't quite place it, but now that I have worn the scent a few times, it has now dawned to me that the scent is a cocktail of peaches, mango and orange scents.

I like this scent!

Bath & Body Works | Peach Bellini Fine Fragrance Mist
236 ml/ 8 fl oz
Made in U.S.A.
Normal Retail Price:  RM73.00 (I got mine for RM27.75 as it was on 60% discount and on top of that, I got a further 5% off from my credit card at the recent Valiram Friends & Family Sale)

Sunday, April 03, 2016


Shadow Dance Performance
I supported the local arts scene today --- I went to see an interesting shadow dance performance today.

The Shadow Dance Performance Ticket

Pre-show Snack
Steamed Chocolate Cake...yum!

I had a quick snack at Nyonya Colors in KLCC before the going to the venue of the show. I decided to park up in KLCC and take the LRT.

Thirst quencher

My most important purchase of the day. It was a super hot day and I'm glad that I had a bottle of water with me. 

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Review: Valiram Friends & Family Sale 2016

Seeing that I was on the lookout for my next bottle of body mist I thought that I would see what I might find at the Valiram Friends & Family Sale today. The sale is being held in JW Marriot and runs from April 1-3, 2016.

The sale wasn't spectacular, really. I only purchased a Bath & Body Works body mist, a Victoria's Secret body lotion and five Victoria's Secret thongs.
A body mist, a body lotion and frilly things :)

The queue to pay was super long but since I was in no hurry, I patiently waited. I found it strange that the priority lane for platinum Maybank credit card holders was long as well (so much for priority, huh?). 

Anyway, I would most probably be giving this sale a miss in the future unless of course, I run out of my toiletries again.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Review: Catrice Nude Illusion Make Up

This is my current daily wear foundation now that I have finished my Catrice Photo Finish Foundation and my Bourjois 123 Perfect Foundation. 

I purchased this foundation somewhere last year but have held off using it on a daily basis as I wanted to finish my other foundations first. 

This foundation is packaged in a frosted glass bottle that comes with a pump that allows for more hygienic dispenses of the product rather than having to pour the product out of the bottle.

The consistency of the Catrice Nude Illusion is runnier than the Catrice Photo Finish Foundation and it feels a tad thinner too. Wearing it feels like I have nothing on my skin, a feeling that I like. 

It is easy to apply, dries quickly and looks nice when applied on my skin. I like it that it costs a fraction of what other foundations out there cost as it made the decision to purchase it in order to try it out much easier as I wasn't breaking the bank!

The one drawback about this foundation line is that there are only three shades available. Thankfully, I matched the darkest share which is 030 Nude Beige.

Catrice | Nude Illusion Make Up
30 ml
Made in Italy
Normal Retail Price:  RM36.90 (I got mine for RM20.85 as it was on 30% discount and I had an addition RM5 Guardian voucher)
Available in selected Guardians