Saturday, October 31, 2015

Silkygirl Double Intense Eye Shadow & Silkygirl Moisture Shine Lipstick Review

Alpro has a warehouse sale going on in Jaya 33 now and I purchased the Silkygirl Double Intense Eye Shadow in 05 Silver Star and the Silkygirl Moisture Shine Lipstick in 08 Moonlight Pink.

I've never tried any Silkygirl eye shadow before this but since this was deeply discounted, I thought that it would be a great way to give it a try and if it doesn't work out, at least I didn't spend an arm and a leg buying it.

I tried on both products today. I applied the Double Intense Eye Shadow over my NYX eyeshadow primer and was pleasantly surprised as there was no fall out from  either color during application. I applied them using my Zoeva brushes and not the sponge applicator that it came with. I also had no problem with the colors looking washed out or fading on me. I must say though that the silver grey shade is growing on me.

Okay, so I didn't need to purchase ANOTHER lippie but it was cheap! The Moisture Shine Lipstick is a pretty pink. This product has been discontinued, I think, as I didn't see it at either of the two Silkygirl stands that I went to recently.

This is not a lipstick for those of you who prefer a lot of color pay off. This lippie feels moisturising enough when first applied but I found that it tends to dry my lips after a few hours. I have to wear this with a lip gloss otherwise my lips will chap and chapped lips are certainly NOT sexy ;)

All in all, I'm quite pleased with my two purchases at warehouse prices!

Silkygirl Double Intense Eye Shadow in 05 Silver Star | 3.2g
RM6.00 (I purchased it during the Alpro Warehouse Sale; Normal Retail Price is RM16.90)
Made in Malaysia
Available in Guardian, Watsons
Silkygirl Moisture Shine Lipstick in 08 Moonlight Pink
RM5.00 (I purchased it during the Alpro Warehouse Sale; I think this product has been discontinued as I could not find it at any of the Silkygirl stands in town)
Made in Malaysia

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Flip Flops

My well used flip flops :/

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


I'm thankful for the kid who came down immediately when I called her to move her car (as she was blocking mine) and for the one empty parking space available when I got back from my errands today :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I woke up late this morning and got ready in a mad dash. I was out of the door in half an hour and am grateful that there wasn't heavy traffic on the way to work thanks to the closure of schools due to the haze.

I got to work just in time to get my preferred parking spot before it was snapped up by someone else --- Phew!!! About a minute after I parked, the covered car park was full! I'm thankful that I got to work just in time!

Note to self: (a) Must not fall asleep while surfing the net and (b) must remember to set the alarm on phone before going to the land of nods.

The Odds...

Went to 1-Utama today to drop off a package at the post office after work last night and while I was there, I saw a TRAVEL PROMOTION starting this Wednesday.

What are the odds that exactly ONE DAY after I make my flight bookings I see promotions to the same place that I want to go to??? To think that I waited so long to make my decision and then THIS happens!!!

Think I should check out the promos just to torment myself???

Monday, October 19, 2015

The e-Ticket Adventure

I've been looking around at flight deals for my upcoming December holidays for a past couple of weeks or so. As is normally the case, I take a mighty long time to come up with a decision as I like to do loads of research to know that I have looked at all the possible options out there.

So I finally got my act together and decided to purchase my flight tickets online. After weeks of careful planning, making sure that I selected the right flights, I finally clicked on the purchase button and then, I got a big, fat, NOTHING!!!

Okay, so that wasn't really true --- Sure, the booking number appeared on the screen but I figured that there was no need to copy it down since I would get an confirmation email anyway that would contain my booking number, right? Wrong!!! I received NO confirmation email!!! Opps... maybe I should have had a pencil and paper on hand and copied down the booking number.... Too late now as the screen had changed and I no longer could access that page --- RATS!!!

Hmmm......maybe it was a little slow in the tube getting from wherever it was supposed to be generated to me. A few minutes came and went.... and then half an hour went by...still nothing in my email inbox.

I decided to drop an email with the air carrier's help desk. Let me tell you that it is an unnerving feeling especially when you have paid a lot of $$$ and the almost immediate text message from your bank confirms that the $$$ has already been billed to your credit card but you have yet to receive a confirmation email of your booking! Now what?????

As it turned out, the confirmation email containing the e-ticket was a late as I received it a few hours later (close to FOUR HOURS later, to be exact), but hey, it finally came in..... and all was well and I could finally go to bed (it was a quarter past 12 midnite by then).

My Regular Brekkie Joint

This is the place that I go to for a few minutes of sanity before I start my work day.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fragrance Samples

Got some fragrance samples from Sephora recently. I've still got quite a bit of fragrances to go through before I can treat myself to a new purchase but there's no harm in trying out some samples in the meantime!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Empties September 2015

These are the empties in September 2015:

1. Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
Love this cleanser. I've already repurchased another bottle. I transfer the product into a pump dispenser so that I don't waste the product squeezing it out from the original bottle.

2. Johnson's Baby Skincare Wipes  20's | Ultra Sensitive | Fragrance Free
Bought this pack out of curiosity. I used them to remove makeup.

It says that it's fragrance free but it does has a baby powder sort of scent. Price-wise, this was definitely more expensive than the Tesco Baby Wipes.

I also found these wipes a tad too moist for my liking.

Repurchase? Probably not as I prefer the fresh scent of the Tesco Baby Wipes (and they are a lot cheaper too --- Score!).

3. Daiso Silk Facial Oil Blotters | 100 sheets
This is my default purchase when it comes to facial oil blotters.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sad :(

What good are all my knowledge and skills if I can't help you? You keep saying that you can't do it. You keep pushing my offer to assist you away. You can't do it, you say. I wish that you have greater faith in me and believe me when I say that you can. You just have to try....Try...that is all I ask of you. Don't give up, please.....

Your endless refusals never fail to remind me of what I already know....that I can only help those who want to be helped. It's hard for me to stand by and watch you deteriorate. Can't you see that I love you too much to want to let you do that to yourself? I know that I'm your least loved child but knowing that fact will not stop me from hoping.....hoping for that one day when you might have a change of mind and welcome my help...


ahhh.....nothing like a serene day just watching fish swim :)

Friday, October 09, 2015


I have an appointment with the doc and this is my brekkie.... yeah, I know, it's ironic, isn't it?

Friday, October 02, 2015

My Knackered Flats

I guess this just goes to show just how much walking I do daily. I normally walk from my office to the mall nearby twice a day, once in the morning for breakfast and once in the afternoon for lunch. Oh well, at least this would justify my next shoe purchase!