Thursday, March 27, 2014

happy :)

Running takes me to a happy place :) It takes away the blues.

Many don't understand me and wrongly label me. Running is the only thing that can make me forget that others greatly misunderstand me.

When most others love me not, running is the only place where I can go to where I can show myself that I am loved.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Will you ever love me? Why do you always, and I mean ALWAYS, remind me things that happened 25 years ago that I had no control over? Can't you be happy for me now that things in my life has changed tremendously? Can't we leave the past where it belongs --- in the past??? Can't you be happy for me in the present?

Would it be remotely possible for you to be supportive of what I am doing now? Can't you be happy with my milestones? I have been very happy with myself and what I have achieved through hard work, the kind that money can't buy. Won't you be happy for me? Does my quest for leading a healthier life make you uncomfortable? Is that why you always have to burst my happy bubble when I tell you what I have done?

You always tell me about what the others have achieved (mostly financially) when we do meet. Is that your way of telling me that I have failed next to them? It is just so painful to speak to you sometimes because I always end up getting majorly hurt. I don't think you even have any idea of how much you hurt me... or maybe you do know what you are doing. If that is so, why do you do it?

I don't like to discuss my finances/ assets with others. Why should I? Aren't such things personal? While I do have financial goals for obvious practical reasons, the goals that I love to pursue are mostly non-financial in nature, the kinds that money just can't buy. Is that so wrong?

Just know that I love you and I hope for that one day when you might show me that you love me in return. I hope that one day you might be happy for me.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My First 5k Event!

I completed my first 5k run event today :) Granted, I couldn't run the entire way but I finished waaayyyy ahead of loads (and I mean LOADS) of other people. It's a milestone achievement for me.

My participation in this 5k run wasn't planned. I just won the entry ticket from my fav sandwich store 5 days before the event and thought that it would be a good way to get myself introduced to what a 5k run might be like (something that I've been contemplating on for the last 3 months). I must admit that I was pretty nervous during the days leading up to the event as I wasn't sure what to expect. All in all, it felt good to be able to complete the run. Yes, my regular workouts in the gym helped :)

I plan to train to run 5k --- that's my next goal.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Value of Books

I think that a book pays for itself if I have learnt just one thing in it that I didn't know before I read it.

Sunday, March 09, 2014


An example of me being useless: After half an hour of cardio in the gym, I came home and had a slice of Raspberry Cheesecake :)  

Saturday, March 08, 2014


Praying for everyone on board flight MH370 that was bound for Beijing but went missing after two hours of leaving Kuala Lumpur.