Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I was presented the opportunity to feed three stray dogs tonight. I don't normally see them when I go out for dinner but they were there tonight and they looked hungry. I bought them some food.

They were well behaved dogs. One of them came to me when he saw that I had food with me. The other two were more wary of me. When I put the food on the ground, he looked at me and waited for me to give him a sign of assurance that the food was indeed for him before he ate it.

I feel blessed to be able to share with them :)

Monday, August 19, 2013


Missing you Ayah :(

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Wish

I am the overlooked middle child. I travel below the radar. Things that I do aren't noteworthy. However, the exact same things done by the more favored children are deemed to be important. There were points in my childhood when I felt overlooked... I still do. I am used as a complaints board BUT my mother wouldn't dream of airing her thoughts to my siblings.

No matter what I do,  I keep being told that I am disliked. I guess I can do nothing right.

I wish for nothing else but love... 

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

The Importance of being Informed

The three year old YouTube video of the dog trainer walking her dogs in the morning of Eid, cleaning the dogs' feet when they get home before cleaning her own feet and later having cookies with the dogs has made many Muslims in Malaysia angry. They say that the video is insulting to Islam but is it really?

Everything put on this planet by Allah prostrates to His will (animals included) and are therefore Islam. Being kind to animals, dogs included, is a part of being a good Muslim. Dogs are loving creatures. They are not the problem... our lack of understanding is. 

Recycling Light Bulbs & Batteries

Light bulbs are something that is difficult to dispose of as it is considered as hazardous waste. If you're in the Klang Valley, you may want to know that Ikea in Ikano Power Centre provides recycling bins for light bulbs and batteries. The recycling bins are located just after the cashiers.