Monday, June 24, 2013


The cats were really hungry. One recognized me and ran towards me when she saw me (or maybe it was the cat food in my hand). She likes having me around while she eats. I think she's beginning to trust me a little bit now. They used to dash at the sight of me when I went to give them a snack. Although they are still wary of me, two of them followed me around asking me for seconds (and later, thirds).

Watching them enjoy their midnight feast makes me happy :) Ah, the simple pleasures of life. I am blessed :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Ayah. I love you.

Friday, June 07, 2013

LASS (Lost Animal Souls Shelter)

I gave to LASS today.

I hope my small contribution helps with the maintenance of the doggies :)