Sunday, April 29, 2012

Credit Card Daily Periodic Rate Calculator

Ever wonder how much interest you would be racking up for each day that you are late in paying your credit card bills? Well, wonder no more. This calculator will help shed the light on the matter.

I punched in the figures for my outstanding bill amount (and yes, I was late paying my credit card bill this month) and after punching in the figures, and seeing how much I owed the bank with each day that I am late, I was motivated to get out there as soon as possible to pay the bill! Why let the bank make money out of me (with an 18% interest rate slapped on credit card debt, banks are getting a return that is way higher than what they can get in the stock market!).

Anyway, I just found this calculator to be a nifty tool to get me motivated to not be late in paying my credit card bills.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Favourite Wife by Tony Parsons

This is my latest completed read. Yes, this is the third book by Tony Parsons that I've read in the span of a month!

The story is set in Shanghai. Bill Holden, a lawyer, moves from London to Shanghai with his wife, Becca, and their four-year-old daughter, Holly, to seek a fortune and a better life.

They move into Paradise Mansions where many young "wives" are kept by rich men. Along with fortune comes temptation and Bill finds himself faced with temptation when Becca gets tired of it all and goes back to London on the pretense to help her ailing father. 

Bill then befriends and falls in love with Jin Jin Li, one of the "wives" living in Paradise Mansion. Soon, Jin Jin Li ends her relationship with her "husband" and becomes Bill's "wife". Bill then realizes that he is no different from all the other men who keep "wives".

This book portrays the gap between the haves and the have nots in booming China and what the have nots have to do to survive. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday's a Frappuccino Day!

Just watching the world pass by while sipping a Mango Passionfruit Frappuccino on a really hot day.... Ah, bliss! :) and oh, did I mention that the frappuccino is half off? Yeah, sweet :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Am I a romantic for believing in this thing called "love"?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Starbucks Malaysia Half Price Frappuccino Promo

I just had a grande Mocha Frappuccino down in the local Starbucks at half price :)  I intend to explore the other frappuccino flavours during this promo period.

The promo is from 5-7 pm on Wednesdays for  Starbucks Card holders and Fridays (same time) for everyone. The promo runs from today till June 8, 2012. Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rich Brother Rich Sister by Emi Kiyosaki & Robert Kiyosaki

I just finished reading this book a week ago. This is more of an autobiography rather than one of Robert's Kiyosaki's financial education books.

This book is about the balance between what you do and the role that money plays in your life and how the balance between the two can bring happiness. As Robert Kiyosaki says, "I don't think the love of money is the root of all evil. What we do for the money may be evil. For instance if I grow drugs or if I shoot people for money that could be evil but money by itself isn't". So the lesson to be taken here is to use money for good purposes.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pink Heart & Bow

Diva's having a sale on at the moment. Isn't this ring set just so cute? The heart ring is really bright pink in colour (the colour came out a bit different in the pic).

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Giving Thanks

Why do people fight you when you suggest that they turn to God in prayer? I'm not suggesting that you rob a bank (though I've got a feeling that they would be more open to that idea rather than praying to God).

Who do you thank at the end of the day? What are you grateful for in your life?

How do I explain to someone who has never experienced the tranquility of prayer, of knowing that you have done your best and that you leave the rest up to God? Isn't it nice to know that someOne's there with you all the time and that you're never alone?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Just had french toast with strawberries and maple syrup...mmmmm.....yum! :)

Sunday, April 08, 2012


I heard that you'll be leaving soon. I know that we have never met and that you disapprove of me. Whatever you know about me is through others' perception of me. Still, I cried when I heard that I'd be losing you...

May you go in peace.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Help WWF Malaysia Save Turtle Eggs

I gave to help WWF Malaysia Save Turtle Eggs from being sold in markets :)
Just doing my little part in saving the planet :)

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold

I've just finished reading this book. This is a dark tale that begins with the narrator of the story, Helen Knightly, killing her mother. There are many deaths in this book --- her mother's murder, her father's suicide, and a neighbour's child who was the victim of a hit and run incident which happened in front of the Knightly's home. In addition to the deaths, it seems like Helen and her parents were suffering from mental illnesses.