Saturday, March 31, 2012

Baskin Robbins 31% Off

It's the 31st of the month and as always Baskin Robbins are having their 31% off promo today.

I was down at the local Baskin Robbins and picked up just a pint of Black Forest Cake Ice Cream. There wasn't too many people there when I got there around 6 pm. I went home after purchasing my pint of ice cream to put it in the freezer and later went out again and passed by the Baskin Robbins outlet and it was full of people at around 6:45 pm!

Phew! I was lucky that I was there just a tad earlier and missed the mad crowd (yes, it can get pretty mad in there on the 31st). There was once, a few months ago, I went there thinking that I was going to purchase ice cream on the 31st but gave up after seeing that there was just waaayyy too many people in there.

I got lucky today and I'm not complaining! :) I've now got my ice cream treat in the freezer!!! :)

Earth Hour with Starbucks

I was down at the local Starbucks during Earth Hour.

Just me and my Mocha Frappuccino during Earth Hour....ahhh, such pure bliss!!!
Starbucks was giving away complimentary Frappuccinos during Earth Hour today. All you had to do was check in on FourSquare and flash the orange Earth Hour promo screen at the barista in order to be entitled to the free drink.

It was fairly quiet down in the local Starbucks, just the way I like it :) (hey, I got there early and I didn't even have to wait in line to be served!) and I got to enjoy Earth Hour and my free grande Mocha Frap in peace :)

Thanks for the free drink Starbucks!

Friday, March 30, 2012

A Place Called Here by Cecelia Ahern

Sandy Shortt is anything but sandy or short. She has spent most of her life being obsessed about finding missing things. Where did the missing sock go when it's no longer in the washing machine?

Are we all defined to the things that we own?

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Why does this certain person from the past keeps making appearances in my dreams lately? Is my unconscious mind trying to tell me something and if so, what???

What's even more disturbing is that I tried to get in touch with this creature from the past by sending a text message to the last mobile number that I have but apparently, he : (a) isn't answering my messages as he wants nothing more to do with me or (b) he has changed his number.

Well, I could still get in touch with him if I wanted to via his office number, but really what have I to say to him? I have absolutely NOTHING to say to him other than my unconscious mind is seeing him in my dreams (how weird is that).....

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Dollar in a Jar

I've started putting a dollar in a jar each time I go out walking instead of taking the car to run errands or get lunch/ dinner. In that way, I'll be motivated to make more than one trip a day on foot! :)

It's my way of motivating myself to exercise more.

Birthday Girls by Annabel Giles

Six women (with six birthdays) who are all connected to each other though they may not all be aware of how their lives are related.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Pink jeans!!! Yes, I'm definitely obsessed with colored jeans :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

IPC Recycling Centre

I took a whole load of stuff down to the recycling centre in IPC today.

In case you're wondering, the centre's opened from 10 AM till 6 PM and is located in the loading area of the mall. You can get more information about the Recycling Centre in IPC here (click on the link).

It's just my way of doing my little part to help the planet...

Wardrobe Update :)

I've just realized that my wardrobe doesn't have enough colors... yup, really eye opening!!! Most of my clothes are black in color. Don't know why but I've always been drawn to black when shopping.

Anyway, I went shopping yesterday as well as the day before yesterday to update my wardrobe.

My haul:

1. A pair of cobalt blue skinny jeans (just looovveee the color!). Strangely enough, I only realised that both pairs of jeans (this one as well as the sand colored ones) are by Zara TRF today (when I found myself in yet another fitting room, hanging up my jeans on the hook to try on some clothes). By the way, it's super comfy to wear! I'm glad that I bought it :)

2. A pair of sand jeans (can't believe how I've manage to live this long without ever owning a pair of jeans in sand before this!)

3. An H&M  flowy chiffon top (ah, so romantic!)

The top goes with both pairs of jeans

4. Three H&M tees (just love H&M tees) in pink and blue

Notice that there are no black tees for a change!

5. A pair of wedges with blue bows!!!(awww... how pretty!!!)

6. A pair of cute ballet flats in blue (hmmm... notice that I've been buying lots of blue this time around!!!)

I also signed up for FOS's membership programme (it costs RM5.00 a year if you "like" them on FB and the membership allows you 10% discount on normal priced items. On top of that, you get a RM10 voucher when you have accumulated a total of 500 points, which is basically, pretty easy to do over a year).

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

As always, I refuse to watch the movie without first reading the book. I enjoyed reading this book.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent

This is a biography of Martha Carrier, Kathleen Kent's great grandmother 10 generations  removed who lived in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692.

This is a story about the Salem witch trials which is told through the voice of Martha Carrier's daughter, Sarah Carrier.

Martha Carrier was accused of being a witch and was hanged because she told the truth, that she was not a witch. However, she told her daughter to lie and plead guilty and "admit" that she (Sarah) was a practising witch in order to be saved from death.

The book paints a picture of the torture and suffering that the people who were wrongly accused of witchcraft were subjected to while imprisoned.

This is a book that I'm glad I purchased.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

O'Briens Chicken Slice and Cheddar Shambo

I redeemed my LivingSocial Coupon for O'Briens Chicken Slice and Cheddar Shambo at their 1-Utama outlet today. 

I was there at around 2:45 PM and it was fairly quiet (I guess I missed the lunch time crowd). Service was quick and the sandwich was yummy! 

The Chicken Slide and Cheddar Shambo is made up of chicken slice, cheddar cheese, red onion, tomato, lettuce and honey mustard mayo. 

The Shambo is uniquely shaped like the shamrock, a three leaf clover, which is a symbol of Ireland.

O'Briens Chicken Slice and Cheddar Shambo

yup, it was a great sandwich!

This is a great deal and I'm glad that I purchased three of the O'Briens coupons on LivingSocial 'cause you know what? One visit just isn't enough!

I'm definitely going back there for more! :)  

Wednesday, March 07, 2012


I sold my first two online books in the wee hours of the morning today!!! :)

Okay, so I didn't make a lot of money but it worked --- my little online shop ( is actually generating business! Ka Ching!!!  :)