Wednesday, March 30, 2011

carolyn 101 by carolyn kepcher

this is a book which i purchased in popular's warehouse clearance in ikano recently.  i bought this book for RM 3!  

it offers some pretty useful advice for the corporate world.

Monday, March 28, 2011

new moon by stephenie meyer

this is yet another book that i finished reading weeks ago but didn't update on my blog (which i am only doing so now!).

i found this book in the bookcrossing zone in 1-utama.  in fact, i found three of the books in stephanie meyer's twilight series (new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn) at the same time at the bookcrossing zone so i'm not complaining. :)  i haven't read all three books yet and they were on my wish list.  i guess, someone was listening to me!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

casper the commuting cat by susan finden

casper waiting to alight the bus

casper with a bus driver

i haven't been chronicling the books that i've read recently and thought that i'd play catch up now.

i picked this up in the popular book sale in 1-utama.  casper is such an adorable cat!  he loves to travel on the bus --- something that the bus drivers knew but his owner didn't, until much later.  the thing about this cat is that he knew which bus to take and he would only ride on the first bus even though other buses would stop at the bus stop and get this, he queues up to get onto the bus!  the bus driver would say, "human, human, cat, human....." lol.  this book was written posthumously with much love.  casper is now in kitty heaven.  it's a must read if you're a cat lover.

earth hour

i observed earth hour.  i switched off all the lights.  for one hour, i sat in the dark and worked on my computer (does that count???).

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

candy pink

i just changed the background colour (also known as theme) of my email account.  it's now in  candy pink!!!  :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


i learned something new today --- RGB & CMYK.  i also learned a new word --- "gamut".  these are all new and interesting things for me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


i am now learning to use photoshop and illustrator, two programmes that i have always wanted to learn but never got around to doing so.   now is the perfect time to learn.

i'm pleased to say that i am capable of a lot more than i thought i was.  thanks to the tutorials on, i can now do some work using those programs!!!  

Friday, March 11, 2011

You Call the Shots by Cameron Johnson

i picked up this book at popular 1-utama's book clearance sale for 70% its original price.  i remember seeing cameron on oprah's show called the big give.

i found this book certainly easy to read and inspiring.  he made 50 million selling beanie babies at 12 years of age!  

certainly a recommended read (and that coming from me, someone who hardly reads any business books because i find that they are mostly difficult to read!).

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Your Heart Belongs to Me by Dean Koontz

i must admit that this is my first REAL Dean Koontz book.  okay, i know that i've just read a big little life also by Koontz but that was a memoir about his dog.

i have always associated Koontz's books with the more masculine gender thinking that it was more of a "boy's book", as i would refer to them.

i was pleasantly surprised that i actually enjoyed this book.  thanks mph (yup, it's another bookcrossing  find!)

The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen

i purchased this book in the latest big bad wolf warehouse sale.  it's also about how perception changes as you grow up and how you see relationships in your life in a different perspective.  

Monday, March 07, 2011


syukur alhamdulillah... i have Allah to thank over and over again... i still can't get over it  :)

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


strange how "messages" are sent to you and you need time to digest them.  now i get it --- for something new to happen, something has to end.  it's not a good feeling, it was unexpected, but i've got to keep my chin up and pray.