Monday, June 30, 2008

happy moment

happy moments...i had two today!!! the first being that two people from the faculty whom i have not seen in a while thought i had lost weight and that i looked younger --- is all my speed walking showing results??? i hope so!

the second happened just as i was about to leave work at night (yup, i had an extra loonnggg day and only left the office at 8:30 pm). as i was walking out to my car, i bumped into someone who used to work in my office (she has since been transfered to work in the corporate office). she told me that she met one of my instructors in a recent conference and upon telling my instructor where she worked, my instructor asked her if she knew me and when she did, my instructor told her that i am her best student!!! okay...i'm a happy bunny!!! suddenly, it didn't feel so bad to be leaving the office so late in the night...

Monday, June 16, 2008

father's day :( :( :(

it was father's day yesterday... and i don't have a father anymore... this is the first year that i am without ayah...god, i miss him so much... it doesn't help that i kept hearing people making father day's dedications to their dads on how i wish i still have ayah... there are just way too many moments when i found myself wishing that i still had ayah... just for advice, to bounce ideas with, to gripe about what's going on in the world... just to be there for me... there is not one day that passes by that i don't think of you ayah... i love you ayah.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

oh no...not AGAIN!!! :( :( :(

yup, the price of fuel is going up again :( :( :(

i pumped my last tank of gas at the old price at literally the eleventh hour!!! i consider that an achievement really as i have never before pumped in gas the nite prior to a price hike.

i kept putting it off and was watching the shell station near my home from my window. hey, i even surprised myself by dragging myself out to pump this tank of gas as i thought that it was a hassle that i could have done without as the queue was horrendously lllooonnnnnggggggg at ALL of the gas stations that i passed on the way home from work. in fact, the queues were so lllloooonnnnngggg that they resulted in a massive traffic jam in the city and its surrounding areas --- yes, it almost seemed like the whole country were queing up in gas stations!!!

the queue wasn't so bad when i eventually dragged myself out though as most of the masses had already gone home with their full tanks of gas and were happily tucked in bed. still, i had to wait patiently in line for half an hour before i could get to a gas pump.

yes, now i too will curl up in bed happily with a smile on my face...until the day when i have to pump gas at the newly hiked up price that is --- something i am definitely NOT looking forward to!!!