Friday, October 17, 2008

round and round we go...

Did I mention before that I work in a circus??? Once again, we have been asked to apply for our teaching permits. I have been filling out teaching permit application forms every year, making copies of all of my relevant documents, going to the doctor for medical check-ups, turning in my mug shots, basically doing the whole works and to date, NO teaching permit in sight (not even its shadow!!!).

So...I decided that enough is enough and to the hell with the company and I'll just go ahead and make my teaching permit application as an individual. Made a few phone calls and finally was put in touch with the officer in charge (who, by the way, was super nice) of approving teaching permits.

This is what I learned --- only ONE application form is needed (my office asked me to fill out TWO application forms), only TWO mug shot pics are required (my officed asked for SIX --- God know whatever for...perhaps they are planning of putting up our mug shots on the bathroom wall???), only ONE copy of certified relevant higher learning certificates are required (my office insisted on TWO copies of everything), on top of it, only certificates of Bachelors degrees and above are required (my officed insisted on EVERY cert since the day you stepped in school --- again, who are these clowns???) and a doctor's letter to declare that we are fit for work (don't know if my office got that right since I don't get to see the letter --- it goes straight to the HR dept from the doctor's). Sadly, this teaching permit thingy cannot be applied individually, only the institution can make the application :( ... I can see many more years of making applications for what seems like the elusive teaching permit if I stick around longer.

Interestingly, I was informed by the officer that she had returned a pile of over a hundred teaching permit application forms to the company somewhere in April this year. She asked me where I was attached to, and when i told her, she was not surprised. It seems that our HR dept rang her up to ask for a copy for the approved teaching permit applications (apparently, they didn't have their own copy in the office --- why am I not surprised). She also knew what the mad rush for the application for teaching permits is about --- she told me about the upcoming MOHE audit that was about to happen in a few days' time. To top it all off, she suggested that I leave the company --- need I to say more about how MOHE perceive my employers???

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

doc martin

Martin Clunes as Doc Martin Ellingham

the sleepy unhappening village of Portwenn

who would think that i would actually enjoy british humour. martin ellingham is a grumpy london surgeon who relocated to this small unhappening fishing village, Portwenn, in the country to become the village's GP. this is one doctor who although is really good at what he does, is also seriously lacking people skills and quite often offends the people in the village.


this is something i remember...putting up the kerosene lamps on the fence around our home a week or so before raya with my father when i was a child. the compound of our home would look so pretty lighted up with those lamps at night...sigh...i miss those days...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

takbir raya berkumandang

takbir raya berkumandang... yes, it is the eve of raya once again. my mother once said that the takbir raya makes her sad, i now understand what i didn't understand then.

this is the second raya without is a void that can never be filled...

at a time when there should be so much joy, i am feeling sad...raya will never be the same again :(

blue splendour

I don't know what's taking me so long to do this --- I have yet to see the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion in Penang for myself. I've put it on my Must See list. It was built in the 19th century and won UNESCO's 'Most Excellent' Heritage Conservation Award in 2000.

I even found a map online showing the location of this mansion for my next visit to Penang. Must see, must see, must see...

Monday, September 29, 2008

... and the reading continues...

been reading and reading and reading... i'm getting there!!! yup, i'm wearing my positive hat today :)

Sunday, August 03, 2008

my test video link

And here's to testing the video link --- wish me luck!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Background Research

The new semester has begun (it started 3 weeks ago to be exact) and I am now working on my project proposal. There are so many articles to read... I'm still trying to get ideas on how best to scope down on my area of research. Let's hope I don't sit on this too long.

Monday, June 30, 2008

happy moment

happy moments...i had two today!!! the first being that two people from the faculty whom i have not seen in a while thought i had lost weight and that i looked younger --- is all my speed walking showing results??? i hope so!

the second happened just as i was about to leave work at night (yup, i had an extra loonnggg day and only left the office at 8:30 pm). as i was walking out to my car, i bumped into someone who used to work in my office (she has since been transfered to work in the corporate office). she told me that she met one of my instructors in a recent conference and upon telling my instructor where she worked, my instructor asked her if she knew me and when she did, my instructor told her that i am her best student!!! okay...i'm a happy bunny!!! suddenly, it didn't feel so bad to be leaving the office so late in the night...

Monday, June 16, 2008

father's day :( :( :(

it was father's day yesterday... and i don't have a father anymore... this is the first year that i am without ayah...god, i miss him so much... it doesn't help that i kept hearing people making father day's dedications to their dads on how i wish i still have ayah... there are just way too many moments when i found myself wishing that i still had ayah... just for advice, to bounce ideas with, to gripe about what's going on in the world... just to be there for me... there is not one day that passes by that i don't think of you ayah... i love you ayah.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

oh no...not AGAIN!!! :( :( :(

yup, the price of fuel is going up again :( :( :(

i pumped my last tank of gas at the old price at literally the eleventh hour!!! i consider that an achievement really as i have never before pumped in gas the nite prior to a price hike.

i kept putting it off and was watching the shell station near my home from my window. hey, i even surprised myself by dragging myself out to pump this tank of gas as i thought that it was a hassle that i could have done without as the queue was horrendously lllooonnnnnggggggg at ALL of the gas stations that i passed on the way home from work. in fact, the queues were so lllloooonnnnngggg that they resulted in a massive traffic jam in the city and its surrounding areas --- yes, it almost seemed like the whole country were queing up in gas stations!!!

the queue wasn't so bad when i eventually dragged myself out though as most of the masses had already gone home with their full tanks of gas and were happily tucked in bed. still, i had to wait patiently in line for half an hour before i could get to a gas pump.

yes, now i too will curl up in bed happily with a smile on my face...until the day when i have to pump gas at the newly hiked up price that is --- something i am definitely NOT looking forward to!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Native Speaker or Not?

I had the pleasure of being told by a parent of one of the students at the university that I am attached to that her son is a native speaker of English. This woman, by the way, is Phillipino and her husband is a Saudi. She thinks that there has been a mistake and that her son should have been exempted from taking Level One English classes as he is "a native speaker". Her son tells her that they teach him "baby English" in class. She even suggested that I may have been biased and prescribed her son his English module solely based on his nationality!!!

I explained to her that ALL students who are enrolled for the module had to take a placement test in week one of the semester (never mind that her son did not attend the placement test with the rest of the other students and only took the test in week 7!). Yes, I do exempt students from having to take the module but such exemptions are based on their placement test results.

Here's some background information about the placement tests that the students have to take: the test consists of two parts. Part one consists of 85 questions that tests the candidate's grammar and vocabulary in increasing levels of difficulty. Part two requires that the candidate write a paragraph on one of the topics presented to them. In order for the candidate to be granted exemption, the candidate must complete BOTH parts of the test within the stipulated time (45 minutes), obtain a score of 70 or better in part one of the test and display an ability to write grammatically correct sentences as well as present their thoughts coherently in part two.

Despite being given AN HOUR to complete the test, the woman's son only managed to complete part one of the test and did not even attempt part two. His score on part one? He made only 56 out of 85 --- Native speaker??? Go figure!

The student was assigned to a class and attended three classes but later told his mother that he did not go to class "because his name was not on the class list on the noticeboard". I don't get it, I just DON'T GET IT!!! He was assigned to a class and makes it an issue that his name is not on the class list on the noticeboard??? The name list on the noticeboard are of those who took the placement test in week one.

The mother also wanted to know why a"native speaker" is not teaching her son. I was not at liberty to disclose to her that our native speaker teachers are really nothing more than tourists. Many don't even hang around long enough to see till the end of the semester. Most are here on tourist visas, I kid you not! To make things worse, many hold only a certificate in English language teaching and are NOT QUALIFIED to teach English at university level!

Why do lay persons out there make a big deal out of being native speakers or not??? I'm a non-native speaker and damn well proud of it! I speak the language just as well as , if not better than, a native speaker and I write better than most native speakers. I think, it is sad to learn that non-native English language practitioners are judged by their own kind (other non-native English speakers).

My guess is that that woman in question was probably just a maid before she met her super rich Saudi husband. Yep, they have truckloads of money but are they educated??? Hell, NO!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008


guess what --- Harith Iskander came to the university to perform and it was really awesome!!! i laughed so much that my stomach hurt! i got fantastic seats too! it was the one afternoon that i stayed back after work that i really enjoyed! :) i never to complain when i get to have good entertainment right at my place of work.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the past in the present

i bumped into an ex-colleague at the mall today. strange how it is --- i've been thinking about this guy for the past few weeks.

i wondered how he was getting along and where he might be at the moment. we used to hang out quite a bit with each other while we were working together (we were in different departments though). apparently, after all these years, he is still working in the same company!! well, i guess, that answers my question about where he is attached to!

we caught up about who is doing what now as people who haven't met each other after a number of years do. apparently, nobody lasted long in my position after i left the company... hmmm...i wonder why???

it was kinda strange really coz i no longer do what i used to do. i kinda did a 180 degree change of careers and i think people in my last life (as how i would like to refer to that last phase of my life) would not be able to relate to my change of career choice.

do i have regrets? do i miss what i used to do? yeah, maybe a little bit but i think that i made a good career move, one that has enabled me to develop myself professionally to the next step and that is what i want.

Friday, April 11, 2008

end of semester madness

ah...i finally have some time to do this again...

the end of semester madness had the better of me. much has happened --- had crazy deadlines to meet. finally looks like i'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

i can't wait to get out there and do some much longed for retail therapy. strange how when i'm busy, no matter how good a sale is, i can just walk past it or if i do go into the store, i really am not in the frame of mind to purchase anything. well, hopefully, i'll be able to do some much needed retail therapy after i hand in my assignments...yippee!!!

i tell you, there is nothing, and i mean NOTHING like having finally completed your project for your courses at the end of the semester.

hmmm.... maybe now i might be able to get back to my much neglected novel reading... sigh...such bliss! :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the lazy bugger and his laughing buddha

Do you believe in the power behind figurines? See, I for one, have never really bought into such things but lately, I have been noticing strange things in the office. Meet the main character of this story, Will. Will has been escaping from doing quite a bit of work at the office. He literally gets away with murder. There was one point when the whole office had to get involved in the redesign of the courses for his department but he was spared from it all. His alibi was that he was "busy" but truth was, the then boss had put him in cold storage and was thinking of replacing him (he was so dim as to not even notice this).

Anyway, Will seems to get away with saying that he has a lot to do, that he cannot manage to get things done on his own that his bosses assigned others to help him out with his administration work. Mind you, while others are helping him out with his job load, he gets to draw in the allowance for the position and the people who help him get nothing. This is what I have noticed: he seems to now be loading the bulk of the work onto his helpers while he does nothing. I don't get this. How does a lazy bugger such as Will get away with such things? In addition, he has the lightest teaching load amongst all the staff while the people helping him out have been assigned full teaching loads.

I happened to mention to one of the people at work how things just seem to he working out for him despite the fact that he is being useless --- Could it be possible that this has something to do with the gold laughing buddha which he has strategically placed on top out his computer monitor? My colleagues hadn't noticed this before I mentioned it to them. One of them went to my desk and said, "OMG, why is that thing facing you???". Word has it that when it is positioned to face me, it is taking wealth away from me. Is this possible?

The boss that wanted him removed has left. He escaped from designing any of his own courses which all the rest of the office got saddled with. He gets TWO "assistants" and he still complains of "so much work". He nows sits down and just orders his "staff" around. One of his staff says that he doesn't mind being stressed out doing the job even though he is getting no monetary returns... This is all just NOT making any sense!

Anyway, being one who does not want to take any chances, I was advised to block the view of the laughing buddha facing me which I did with the use of black mounting boards which I put on my table facing him (yup, I no longer have to face him... it's kinda nice and peaceful this way really :) ). Let's hope that my luck changes with this move, okay.

Friday, February 08, 2008

sans body hair!!!

A female colleague recently asked me if I made a conscious effort to remove the hair on my arms or if I am naturally hairless. I automatically looked at my arms and replied that I didn’t do anything to remove the hair on my arms. She gave me a knowing smile and said to me that “Men like women who are hairy; they are better in bed” --- this of course, goes without saying, came from a woman who had loads of them (no, no, not men but hair on her body!!). Yup, she has hair on her arms and legs and God know where else (you get the picture).

Okay, I know that what she said to me was a put down, but I guess the hairy backs have got to belief that they too are desirable and sexy and really, who am I to argue about that? Hey, maybe they want to put the depilatory cream companies out of business! Me? Well, I’m happy with the my twin blade guard shaving blades which I use in the shower. I am happy to note that the kind of men whom I attract also like me with a lot less bodily hair. Well, if you ask me, the bodily hair should be on him, not me, but hey, that's merely a matter of personal preference, I guess!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

learning to breathe...

patience i certainly have very little of --- i have been sitting here trying to download my class notes of the varsity's website and it is taking oh, such a looonnggg time, it is almost like watching the grass grow! this e-portal thingy is supposed to make life easier but it seems to be more hell than heaven at the rate things are going now. it's close to 11 pm now and one would think that it should be relatively easy to download the files now since it is low traffic but nope, that is certainly NOT the case. just trying to log onto the system is already a problem and once i get on it, it keeps kicking me out when i try to download the files....hmmm...could there be a gremlin in there, you think???

sigh...i've gotta learn to bbrreeaattthheeeee......inhale.......... and exxxhhaalleeeee......

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

tired at 57

strange...mac wants to introduce me to a 57 year-old creaking "retired" consultant. lol. honestly, i don't know what to make of this... is mac trying to tell me something? is there a message embedded in there somewhere??? hmmm...

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I'm learning sign language and it's pretty cool!!! :) I'm a tad confused but I'm getting there!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

School is in

Strange how perceptions work. Take this for example, okay --- I go to school as a part-time student pursuing my Masters. In the classes that I've signed up for this semester, there are some PhD students as well.

Last Thursday was a due date and what does the PhD student who is seated next to me in class ask? --- "Is the assignment due today?" I said, "Yes" and then she asks, "What is the assignment?" and I show her the assignment brief that was given to all of us in the class during the first class. And then she asks me, "Have you done it?" and I say, "Yes" and then she asks me if she can see my assignment --- and we're talking about a PhD student here!!! What is becoming of the world, I can't help but wonder. And mind you, that is not the end... I quickly flip through my assignment (I didn't want to be seen unhelpful though I didn't think it was appropriate for her to ask to see my assignment when she has not started working on hers!!!) and then she says to me, "Don't hand it in" --- Yeah right! I slaved through it while juggling a full time job and I have a FULL TIME PhD student telling me not to hand in my work because it will make her look bad!!!

Sigh... why do people think they want to pursue higher learning when they can't organize themselves???

Friday, January 04, 2008

wilted :( :( :(

the lilies of my birthday flowers have wilted :( :( :( I just wish they would have lasted a tad longer...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

a delivery for me??? really???

There I was, feeling sorry for myself that I had to go to work on my birthday... sob, sob, sob... (I normally go on holiday around this time of the year). The day went by slowly. Many people at work had taken the day off for a long new year weekend.

I left work after lunch to go to the library to source for my reading materials this semester. Around 3 pm, I received a text message from one of my colleagues saying that someone had sent me flowers and a teddy bear. My first response was, "Really???". Hmmm... there I was already in the university and there was a delivery for me in the office. Anyway, I nipped back to the office (I was pushing for time) but I really couldn't leave the flowers in the office since the following day was a holiday PLUS I have to admit that I was curious to see this "delivery".

Wow... the flowers were REALLY lovely!!! Thank you!!! :) :) :) ...and all this while I thought that I had to go out and buy my own birthday present!