Friday, November 16, 2007

friday, not at work and still not having fun!!!

it's yet another friday and i didn't go to work today... took the day off so that i could sit for my final exam. it's over now and DON'T ask me how i did...

i've been spending the last few days in a mad frenzy trying to do last minute studying while trying to meet my OWN deadlines at work. yes, it's THAT time of the semester again where i have a mountain of boxes of students' assignments to grade (all that PLUS the final exam papers as well!...oh joy...). I can just see sleepless nights ahead of me... it's gonna be a perfectly splendid weekend ahead... NOT!!! sigh...the things we have to do just to pay the bills...

Friday, November 09, 2007

i'm not at work!!!

it's a friday and i'm off work!!! i should have more days like this... i took today off to work on my psycholinguistics project (deadline is seriously drawing close!). on top of that, i've also gotta prepare for my exam which also happens to be round the corner too.

i've gotta work on this project and get it out of the way before the exam... need time to study for that too. sigh... life of a part-time student!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Hey... what do you know...I actually got a request for more posts on my other blog...

Hmmm... a reader of my posts... I know you'd think this sounds corny but I never really contemplated that possibility... yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know... why write a blog if you plan not to have an audience, right??? Sigh... I have absolutely NO reason why I should think that but I kinda thought it would be neat to just have a place to write my thoughts... a place to be heard by no one in particular... just a place to be...

He said that my blog was "bloody well written (and humorous too!)"... motivation enough for me to keep on blogging away!!! Me a happy bunny! :) :) :)